Idolo Nymphs L2 now .. anyone at L3 yet ?


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I know what im talking about mate, i merely asked what is the minimum temps for this species.

Another is molting to L4 as I type this. It's 4am and tank temps are about 78F. I sprayed last night as always.

EDIT: Oh man one leg is slipping!

EDIT2: On good the nymph didn't fall even when it was hanging by 3 legs on my cord. Another perfect molt!

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So that means we will have to wait until they they are very close to adulthood to tell the sex, very interesting!Thanks again

i am still not 100% sure, but i think you can tell gender fairly early if you look very closely. mine are fourth instar, i took a couple of photos (very noisy as i had to zoom alot and crop) of one that i think is a male and one that i think is a female. see what you think:



fourth instar male?



fourth instar female?

i'm going by counting the abdomen segments method. what do you lot think?

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Tonight I go to look at my mantis's and see that the Idolo that first molted to 4th instar is dead. No clue what the problem was. He had a couple Blue bottle as well as a couple houseflys in his enclosure. the temps/humidity are well within the range we have all discussed here.

he was first to hit 3rd .. first to hit 4th and first to die ;-(

That leaves me with 1 4th ... 2 3rd and 1 rd missing part of 1 leg ... the 1 legged one i expected to die, but not this guy who was HUGE compared to the others.

Oh well .... and then there were 4 ....

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dont over mist them..i did and i found 1 which looked like its skin started to shed but he wasnt shedding if that makes any sense?im gueesing the water was drying out its skin.luckly for me i only lost 1..i wont be doing thata again.i only have 4 left now at 5th instar.not very good when u think i started with 9 at 1st instar..well i was sent 14 but some died in the post.

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I had my first L5 yesterday and a second this morning. I have had one die out of the ten, dew to cannibalism. It happend when one of them was in molt.

Thanks again


A second death .... down to 3 out of 5 .. the one with 1 leg short is hanging on .. thought he would die next ... i cant imagine he is going to make it though ....

a couple of shots of an L5 female (theres more on my blog):



@geoff k

someone recently had a fourth instar with a missing leg moult up to fifth and regenerate it, so dont give up hope!

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thx mrblue ..... the one with the partial missing leg does not climb and i worry he is not eating ... i have taken the drastic measure to kill and fly and offer it to him every other day .... 2 out of 3 times he eventually took the fly .

*edit ...... he molted last night ,.... problem is .. he was unwilling/unable to climb with the 1 leg not complete and was on the ground when he tried to molt .... he was so small there was probably nothing i could do even if i noticed him hacving a problem ... and then there were 2

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Of the 2 that i have left

1 is now 5th instar .. the other one is still 3rd .. slowpoke that he/she is ....

i started with 9..i have 3 left but there all presubadult. :) ..

just to let u know 1 of them had a missing leg 2 sheds back and its shed fine both times.

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god take some pics tho in the next few days.i hope to god i have 1 of each.. :) just my luck il have 3
if you look closely you can tell from L2, and at presubadult it should be easy. theres a few (poor quality) photos on my blog showing the differences but im sure if you post some photos here we'll be able to say for sure. if i had three left i would be hoping for two males and a female (in case one of the males was a bit dopey).

(kind of) off topic - i recently discovered my five Hestiasula brunneriana are all male! :angry: :angry: :angry: :( :rolleyes:

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no idea on sex ... i will have to check your site ....

side note .. the one i thought was 3rd still is 4th .. so s/he is not far behind the other one .... i am hoping i have a pair ... if not maybe someone in the US will have what i dont and i will have what they dont and we can do a swap

edit: when i try o click on your blog link ... it says ... You have no permission to view the Blogs and logs me out of the site ... wierd i know .. but wanted to mention it in case others had the same problem

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no idea on sex ... i will have to check your site ....side note .. the one i thought was 3rd still is 4th .. so s/he is not far behind the other one .... i am hoping i have a pair ... if not maybe someone in the US will have what i dont and i will have what they dont and we can do a swap

edit: when i try o click on your blog link ... it says ... You have no permission to view the Blogs and logs me out of the site ... wierd i know .. but wanted to mention it in case others had the same problem
:eek: :blink: :( i hope that's not the case for everyone. in any case, i already posted some photos on this thread too. theyre on this very page (4th) a bit higher up, showing a male and female fourth instar. the key is the abdomen tip on the underside.

also, didn't yen say he sold his first generation to around 20 people in the US? (i think i also read that he gave you contact details for each other?) if you don't have a pair i would like to think at least one of those can help you out, so there is still hope! there is always bound to be someone needing a male or female somewhere down the line.
