I predict the difference you will notice is those fed exclusively on ground insects will soon die of starvation... unless you plan on hand-feeding them just about every meal. I can appreciate wanting to find the ideal conditions but I would scratch that variable off the list. They prefer flying insects over any other feeders without exception. I think everyone here would agree with that assessment.
I think what we're finding is they do relatively well in just about any conditions short of too dry, which is normal for any species. I raise mine without extra heat while others add heat, which only seems to increase their maturation rate. Their enclosure is the biggest factor as to whether or not you end up with adults. Pay the most attention to that and you will likely do fine. It would seem all the failures early on were due to falls from using the wrong surfaces to molt. Given the right surfaces the failure rate drops dramatically.
That being said, they are still not easy to breed. Getting adults is one thing. Producing viable ooths is another.
Hats off to Angelofdeathzz!
You should definitely get some. Really worth the effort. You will love them!
I mean... c'mon...