These mantids ooths are pretty easy. Just keep them hanging upside down or however they are right now, and I would hang them upside down because it will be easier on for the mantids to get out. This would be in like a plastic container. I would highly recommend putting either peat moss, coconut husk, or anything that hold moister to keep the humidity at a good level, and all you have to do it spray it a few times once a day. I would not keep your mantises at 95 degrees at ALL! The highest you should go for any mantis is about 85, that is way to hot for them. But 75 at night is a good temp. You especially have to be careful with the ooths temperature, otherwise you will fry them, so keep the containers somewhere around 85. To hang them, all you need is a popsicle stick, a lid, and hot glue. So what you need to do is hot glue the stick to the lid, then put a little dab on the stick, let it cool for like 10 seconds, then place the flat end of the ooth onto the glue, then put the lid on the container. Now you just have to keep the container humidified, and make sure the temp is right. Now you wait. And these guys can take up to a month to hatch, maybe two depending on how fast they grow. Good luck!