Incubating and hatching method ok?


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Active member
Aug 3, 2012
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Hi, I'd really appreciate some input...

I have an Oxyopsis Gracilis ootheca which I have been incubating for 2.5 weeks. Anyway, I’m getting nervous about timings now as I am not 100% sure how long this ootheca was laid prior to me getting it. Its is currently stuck on the top of a 23cm x 14cm x 11cm plastic tub with side mesh ventilation, mesh sides and tissue on the bottom which I spray daily. Once hatched my plan is to move the hatchlings into a 60cm x 40cm x 40cm totally mesh terrarium I have which is closely wove enough to hold fruit fly. Or should I move the ootheca prior to hatching? I then intend to leave a closed fruit fly culture with small holes in the bottom of the terrarium to provide constant food, topping up as needed depending on number of hatchings, success of culture etc. After a couple of moults I will separate.

I plan to pick up a dly culture tomorrow from my pet store to ensure its ready in time. Is this sensible or a potential waste?

The ootheca may also be a no goer of course, seeing as it was not laid by one of my lovely girls, it was a freebee, and although I’m no expert it doesn’t look too good – luckily I have just had a much large, healthier ootheca laid by my own mated mantis 5 days so I know I don’t have too long till tiny feet patter J

Am I doing everything ok or is there anything vital I am not considering?

Thanks, I always feel better when someone confirms what I am doing is ok


I would put the ooth into the final container now to avoid the often difficult task of moving them later.

I've tried the fruit fly in the enclosure before and it didn't work like i thought it would.

I've found my Oxy ooths take 40 days to hatch. I prefer to hatch them in a 32 oz or 80 oz deli cup with ventilation only in the lid to better hold humidity. I mist in the cup in the morning and again at night. They will often hatch soon after I mist in the morning. The extra humidity seems to trigger the hatch.

If transferring them to a net cube to be kept communally, after hatch you can put the whole cup in and remove the lid. Pulling out any excelsior helps to remove them from the cup. I prefer to incubate in a cup rather than the larger cage because it gives better control over humidity. If you know exactly when the ooth was laid you can put it in the larger enclosure a few days prior to the 40-day mark. That eliminates the trouble of keeping the larger enclosure moist through the entire incubation time. ;)

If you are transferring them to smaller enclosures I'd suggest you use lid with a hold plugged with sponge on the incubation cup. That way you can fish the nymphs out one at a time with a thin stick.

I'm glad to see someone else that appreciates this species. I love them!

Oxyopsis gracilis - color morph mega post!

Oxyopsis gracilis adults

Oxyopsis gracilis - CRAZY COLORS!

Oxyopsis gracilis nymphs hatch (photos & video)

Oxyopsis gracilis L2 & L3 nymphs


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