Intelligence Debate > Creation/Evolution poll xD


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  • God > Kickstarted Evolution...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Impersonal Designer > Evolution...

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • All Powerful God > Creation...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Big Bang > Evolution...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Life was an accident which adapted and evolved going against billions to one chances...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please state)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
how life will have begun : from a primitive form of natural selection - the survival of the fittest chain of molecules to the environment.

if you're asking how did all of this universe come to be - the ONLY explanation is that the whole multi-verse is infinite and chaotic, the opposite of nothing. put it this way, the multiverse cant have started from nothing - because that's self-evident, something cant come from nothing. there cant be just some-thing - because that would have demanded some decision maker, the only possibility at the root of it all is infinite chaos, everything. this is because there are probabilities within infinities.

life will develop in some different types of places, this is just one of them, a likely place for it to happen.

believing in a god for an explanation is avoiding obvious obstacles in thought, like what created the god. this is all natural common sense, you dont need to be an expert in physics to think about these things because physics as we know it will not exist outside this universe - so it's irrelevant to the fundamental question.

there is one possibility though for all the religious hopefuls - that this is a biocosm, the theory that 'this universe' was created by a more highly evolved being/race.

but at some point that would have developed in the way i stated above. it's very unlikely, but possible.

also if you'd like to believe in an afterlife than just think how what makes you up is part of an infinite and eternal metaverse, you might get recycled. :)

I disagree God made himself because he wanted to be here but when he made us he is so smart we can't wrap our minds around it. Just thinking about it makes us confused thats why he is God and we are human.

I chose the option "Other" because I don't think this is knowable information. Neither science nor religion will ever prove how life or the universe began. I think the big bang theory, the theory that life is a cosmological accident, and any religious theories or beliefs are all equally ridiculous explanations for the start to everything. I don't deny any possibilities, however. Anything is possible. I just personally don't like to assume one way or the other. Perhaps the only way we will find out the answers to the big questions will be in death. But who knows, we may die as clueless as the day we were born.

God did not make himself. He was and always will be. We are not supposed to fully understand him. He gave us physics to determine wordly objects, obviously not spiritual. Physics do not apply, because to God, time does not exist. He sees all time as always happening. As you are typing he also sees Roman Gladiators preparing for battle. Sorry my opinion is so vague, but as I said, until we are in heaven or heck, we will not fully understand. I love spiritual discussions/debates :D

I hope I can gain enough understanding to accept Jesus as my Saviour.

religion is a mental disorder. seriously.i invite any religious person to prove that there is a god or that creationism is true (without using circular reasoning), and i will quickly debunk each argument. :)
If this forum were FatWallet, I'd give you red. If you're just here to offend people, why don't you stay out?

By the way, read stuff by Hugh Ross. As I recall, he said that Einstein's theory of (general?) relativity states that an intelligent agent must exist before the universe did. A lot of people happen to call this intelligent agent God. :wink:

Ogiga got you there also there were witnesses to darwins death and he said before he died that he knew all the stuff he said were lies. He said that only a few people witnessed it.

religion is a mental disorder. seriously.i invite any religious person to prove that there is a god or that creationism is true (without using circular reasoning), and i will quickly debunk each argument. :)
If this forum were FatWallet, I'd give you red. If you're just here to offend people, why don't you stay out?
if you get offended by something that challenges your beliefs, then you need to develop a thicker skin.

By the way, read stuff by Hugh Ross.
if hugh ross wants to challenge me, let him do so. i want to hear YOUR counterarguments.

As I recall, he said that Einstein's theory of (general?) relativity states that an intelligent agent must exist before the universe did. A lot of people happen to call this intelligent agent God. :wink:
1. this is the logical fallacy called "appeal to authority."

2. an intelligent agent must exist before the universe did = assertion

where is the evidence? assertions are NOT proofs until proven.

3. "A lot of people happen to call this intelligent agent Gos." one's personal feelings are moot considering that this is a point of logic. where is the evidence to support the assertion?

Ogiga got you there
he didn't get me with anything other than saying what you already believe.

also there were witnesses to darwins death and he said before he died that he knew all the stuff he said were lies. He said that only a few people witnessed it.
what is your source and how credible is it? either way, what darwin says does not in anyway make an argument more or less true/accurate. thinking so commits the logical fallacy of "appeal to authority."

I think we should all ignore AFK. He's going to get this thread locked like all the other threads when he starts doing things like this. Just watch him toss around definitions to make it seem like you can never convince him of anything.

But these discussions are so fun.

AFK, I am saddened by your stubborness to even consider... If an assertion is a judgement whereby truth lies, then God could then be considered an assertion. But if God were an assertion, then there would be not faith. Therefore God is judgement; judgement is counterparted by mercy, which allows judgement to enter the realm of assertion. When judgement ends, or when the world ends, there will be mercy and justice, but no assertion. And without assertion, the supposed passage between the two would be destroyed, thereby destroying any created forms. Following the belief that God was not created by any cosmic accident, then that would contradict atheism and any other known relegion anti to Christianity. I have skimmed the surface of books written by the genius Thomas Aquinas. Today's philosophers are still trying to unravel the mysteries hidden inside his books. We believe that he had a vision of heaven, and compared his books to it, and called them nothing but 'straw' and left them uncompleted. All of what I have written was what my faith dictates. How could an intelligent being not exist? The odds of a single cell, let alone the world could be created coinciedentaly are almost impossible to number within the amount of pages this website could hold. My little view.

Also how could our earth perfectly be positioned but no others our sun is 1 in a billion. A little fact is that if we were 1 mile closer we would all burn how does that happen by accedent???

You only think it is by accident because you have not seen all of the instable, failed planetary systems. Chance plays a larger part in life than most people think about.

I think AFK is wrong to deny the existence of God and to attack those that do believe in God. I also think it's wrong to spew forth unfounded arguments and statements. AFK, if you're going to criticize religion, do so in a less offensive manner. It makes us non-believers look as bad as those that push the religions on us. As for you who believe in God, don't lie about things you've heard, like Darwin saying his life's work was a lie. That's just ridiculous. If you're going to argue in favor of the existence of God, do so in an open-minded fashion and consider other possibilities as well. I don't like close minded people that deny things without ever giving thought to the other persons ideas. That goes both for atheists and Christians alike. I think you're both wrong, to be honest. You can't prove that God exists and you can't prove he doesn't; we'll just never know.

I think science and religion both have completely far out and ridiculous assumptions. You think it's crazy that somehow we're positioned in exactly the right place by complete chance and that somehow conditions were perfect in a primordial earth for the right organic compounds to come together and create the phenomenon we call life? I'd agree with you, it sounds crazy. Then again, a God that creates a universe, introduces people without giving them any consent to be part of existence and without giving them any list of rules or laws by which to live by and never once giving proof of himself is equally insane in my mind. I think Christianity is equally as nihilistic as atheism. Both make life out, on this world, to be completely pointless.
