L2 orchid VS big curly wing
man these are 20th century killing machines!!i added the fly to see how it goes.
orchid snatched up the fly wihc is just the size of it.
an one minute upside down pit fight was up next....
eventualy they both fell in a ball of legs and wing to the floor.. another 10 sec street fight.
eventualy my ferociou demon was able to overpower it, it walked to a branch and held it above the head and started amputating limbs... :blink:
the L3 just jumped towards it and snatchd it up fast before it could blink...
the l3 ghost...
i tried to feed it an curly wing.. it jumped awy, they all did they just sit and wait till a klumpsy frutefly passes by..
not what i call warriors(exept spirit- she is eating whats in her eyesight.)
but still the queen was amelie(ameles decolor) who had a similiar fight as the L2 orchid, but with a hornet.(she was like a velociraptor.)