L1 comparison images


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how long was the incubation of the texicorns? what conditions was it kept at? im sittin on an ooth and it would be nice to know. thanks!
Texicorns...I like that. I had glued two ooths to the same lid that were laid on 11/23 and 11/27. I'm not 100% certain, but I think this one was the one laid on 11/23. I usually write the date next to the ooth, but I guess I thought I'd remember. So, it was about six weeks. I heard that it can take up to 60 days in the winter. I kept mine around 78 - 80 degrees in the daytime and then 71 - 74 at night.Still waiting for you to insert something inspiring!

thank you so much! from your info i have a week left... i cant wait!

Nice pics again, Tammy. Thanks for including the Texas Unicorn. They are cool looking at any stage.

Great collection, Tammy. Love the consistency between images. And congrats on the Unicorn hatch! I should have some ooths soon too.

im sittin on an ooth and it would be nice to know. thanks!
I don't recommend you sit on them. You're thinking of chicken eggs. :D


hahaah! if i remember correctly you breed texicorns. right? if so how long did the ooths take to hatch and how many came out?

Thank you, but could you place them on a ruler while taking photos next time?

Because without a scale, Creobroter nymph looks as large as Idolo's, although it is three times smaller, for instance.

Borya, thanks for the feedback. I actually just took the photos to show the difference in appearance and not size. When my Texas Unicorn and Oxy ooths hatch, from a distance the babies look very similar to me. But when I started to photograph them, I was amazed how different they look. I know others use rulers when they make images. So, I'll leave that up to them.

Thanks to Precarious, I was able to photograph the first instar of the Polyspilota aeruginosa (Madagascan Marbled Mantis) nymph. It's the last image in my original post. The L1 of the Polyspilota aeruginosa reminds me of the L1 of the Oxyopsis gracilis except that it has much longer antennae and abdomen.

L1 comparison images continued....

Well, I finally hit my limit of images in a post and will have to start adding new ones here. I had two Rhombo ooths hatch in the past 10 days. Lots of babies...


Rhombodera cf. stalli
