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Aww how cute :wub:

Whenever I see a baby I go, in a soft, adoring voice, "aww wittwe baby", usually quietly so nobody hears but last night I said it a *little* too loudly out in public and it was funny how the mom just looked and I'm just thinkin "whoops" :lol:

But babies r cute for the reason they want peeps to think they're cute :D

Aww how cute :wub:

Whenever I see a baby I go, in a soft, adoring voice, "aww wittwe baby", usually quietly so nobody hears but last night I said it a *little* too loudly out in public and it was funny how the mom just looked and I'm just thinkin "whoops" :lol:

But babies r cute for the reason they want peeps to think they're cute :D
Funny... But I have seen a human baby now and then that if I said was cute, I'd be lying.But all mantid babies are cute! I just had a p wahlbergii and b mendica ooth hatch this past week, and even though I've had several of them hatch in the past 6 months, I had a break for a while. I had forgotten how tiny and cute those L1 babies are! And the Orchid babies are perhaps the cutest of the ones I have hatched.

not all babies r cute

most r, but i've come across ugly and stupid looking babies before

there's a nursery at my school (for teachers' babies mainly, my school has a VERY low student pregger rate, but across the city over half another high school's girls r preggers, only 3 peeps with babies at my school r students) and the little babies love it when i walk by and hide on the side of the door (they can't see me) and then pop up and make a funny motion or face or something, but my bio teacher down the hall (who has a baby in there) gets mad because i'm late for class and scaring the babies (little kids r fun to scare lol)

HAHAHA! Yeah, the good thing about babies is that after you scare them, they laugh. However, try that to an adult, and you will hear an entire alphabet of colorful language!

HAHAHA! Yeah, the good thing about babies is that after you scare them, they laugh. However, try that to an adult, and you will hear an entire alphabet of colorful language!
yes and there is this one cutie baby that just wont SHUTUP and it cries constantly and me and the nursery ladies always make chloroform jokes abt it :lol:
