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A well deserved meal after the job.
No....I am going back to my original 0. I don't want the prize. What I will win is the thrill of winning. That's all I want. I hope I'm wrong though, Mime. Btw, has this girl produced ooths before and if so, how many have hatched with those? Or are you aloud to tell us such info?

No....I am going back to my original 0. I don't want the prize. What I will win is the thrill of winning. That's all I want. I hope I'm wrong though, Mime. Btw, has this girl produced ooths before and if so, how many have hatched with those? Or are you aloud to tell us such info?
This is the first ooth, but she and the now deceased male were connected for over 12 hours. From 3PM to 3AM.

Ive had 2 and a half long euros lay ooths a bit bigger (like a quarter of a inch longer) that have hatched 200+ so i am guessing high

My guess 25... should be more, but... Actually it may be around 45, but 25 is going to be my guess since too many other estimates have already crowded that neighborhood. I make poor wagers.

Ive had 2 and a half long euros lay ooths a bit bigger (like a quarter of a inch longer) that have hatched 200+ so i am guessing high
Euros and chinese usually hatch out a ton of nymphs, to give better survival chances in their temperate regions. Though taumantis probably use the same thing, and this ooth will hatch LARGE, I believe that you may have overestimated.

My new guess.....135.


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