Look Ma, no hands


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Even though they are just insects. I think deep down there is some sort of primal feeling that animals have when they know something kind is being done for them. They communicate it in all sorts of ways. You can definitely look into the eyes of an animal and know they are thankful for all that is done for them. I'm sure your little mantises appreciated all you did to take care of them.

Aw poor little guy. I think if it were me I would hand feed him. I know if I was him I wouldnt want to face the freezer. There is one more choice however.... WE CAN REBUILD HIM! 6 million dollar mantis anyone?
rofl!!!!!! i wonder if it would be possible to make prosthetic arms for it
I know it's a old thread, sorry to revive it (not sure how people feel about that here) but couldn't resist. Especially this story, I apologize if this upsets you hibiscusmile.

I couldn't freeze her now. no worry. she has been with a male, but don't know if mated.

When I cked on her, she was done with ooth, I gave her some water and she drank and drank, then I gave her some dinner and she was hungry. She is funny, lately she has been butting me with her head!
Thanks for the heart-warming story and the effort you did for Little heat, makes me have hope in this often forsaken world! I read nearly every post on all 6 pages, sorry to see how it ended.

I'll have to share this with my wife later - she doesn't seem much into "bugs" but seems to have a strong connection with my mantis and was emotional with another story I found on here and shared with her. I think I'll be upset when my mantis Susanna passes more because of how hard she will take it. Anyway, I know she'll love to hear this story though. :D

I responded to this post in particular as I haven't seen anyone else mention the mantis head-butting besides me. I thought I was a bit crazy, but without a doubt she head butts me anytime I put my hand beside her trying to pick her up. :hammer: Is this a common trait or a unique one, the head butting?

haha, no it does not upset me. I like thinking about her as she made my day many times! I don't see much head butting, but I don't really have time to see it either. She was special I tell you that!

haha, no it does not upset me. I like thinking about her as she made my day many times! I don't see much head butting, but I don't really have time to see it either. She was special I tell you that!
I still think of this story whenever I am dealing with one of my special needs mantises. One of my current girls Grimoire suffered a fall during a molt a few weeks back right at the end of her shedding. Her body made it out fine but by the time I found her, her legs had already started to dry in a very warped positions. She had also lost one of her back legs. Through some quick misting and use of a toothpick I was able to pop out the other three but they were super funky and had very sharp kinks in two of them. I wasn't even sure she would be able to slide them out of the skin if she was able to hang on long enough to even molt.

Well a few days ago she shed. She ended up loosing one of her remaining three legs, but the other two came out great and she even got a mini leg in place of her old nub. Her next shedding will still be a bit of a nail biter but she has gone from being a belly dragger that can barely get around to being able to stand up like a normal mantis and putter around pretty decently.

It always seems like it is the ones with issues that tug hardest on the heart strings. She is such a silly girl too. If she is hungry she will randomly catch up some of her blanket or netting and start to nibble on it like she is some poor starving mantis that has never seen food. I'm beginning to think the little stinker does it because she knows if I see her doing it I will give her some actual food to get her to stop. Such a little manipulative glutton.

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great story, I think u r right. sometime I think God got tired of all His creations and made the mantis to confuse us!

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