Lost my brother today.


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I'm sorry Rebecca my condolences. His artwork on the photo is beautiful.

Since he is your brother I can't help but invision a swarm of mantises, each one you careingly raised and has since passed, also taking wing to greet him at heaven's gates.

He was just transfered to the funeral home last night, he had an old liscense with a doner signature on it, he was blind in one eye so he was not going to keep the doner stuff going and got a state liscense instead of drivers liscense, the organ people called his wife hours after he died and wanted to ask if they could take his eyes, she told them no, he was full of disease and blind, they then asked her if someone else was there that would honor his wishes? Can u imagine that, at that time? Turns out he was at the cornors office after the hospital instead of the funeral home, the director called yesterday and said he was there and they were taking his eyes! She told him not to do it that they were told no. As of right now, we think they took them as he was gone all day yesterday and no one got to see him, also the hospital threw all his clothes and things away, including his cell phone. What a nightmare.

I don't and I had my mom remove it from hers before she passed in '08. Who knows what would be "left". I was there when she passed and saw her to the transport to the funeral home. I feel privileged to have been with her.

Rebecca: It is a shame to loose a family member, no matter if it was expected. It is not easy. All of the members here on the Forum who have got to know you over the months, years, and many transactions know you are a dear lady. I am sorry about your loss. Check you himantis email when you can, I think you will see a card there for you.

Yours truly,


One of the nice things about the internet is the support like this. Rebecca, I hope you find some comfort in the responses here. I thought Rich's (post #34) was particularly classy, well said Rich.

What terrible vultures they were!!. So sorry to hear this fiasco they put you through. Your brother's in heaven with the angels, happy and peaceful. He looked like a very sweet special person.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

However, you're strong enough to work two jobs AND a family life on back to back days, so I KNOW you'll be able to pull out strong.



She is awesome!!! She shipped out my order Tuesday despite what happened (though I'm not sure which event happened first)

Anyways I think the funeral is today so I hope she is ok


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