Mantids love to watch TV!


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Well-known member
May 1, 2010
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Whenever I bring a mantid out and the TV is on they stare right at it. Doesn't matter if the room is well lit or dim. As I move my hand around they twist their body so their eyes don't leave the screen! If I leave them out on my end table they will sit contently staring at the TV for hours.

Anyone else notice this behavior? :blink:

It's really obvious with violins.

I have the same experience! I thought it was just me because I live in a small apartment and have a 52" HD TV mounted like 7 feet from my couch (where I do most of my handling)
I just assumed they couldn't help themselves!

Just your imagination. It isn't what you think. Same as people who claim their mantis comes when they call its name or "likes" to be held. It's an insect, not a dog. :D

Just your imagination. It isn't what you think. Same as people who claim their mantis comes when they call its name or "likes" to be held. It's an insect, not a dog. :D
It's like a baby watching TV. Pretty bright flashing colors! Wait, that's kinda like grown ups too.....

Yep, They especially love sci-fi movies involving man eating bugs. ;)

It may only be the movement that catches their attention but I still find the behavior interesting and fun to watch. I've had a number that will actively move closer and they will sit for hours staring in its direction. Similarly they seem to be equally stimulated by window watching where they can see out and watch the cars, people, and other objects move by. I figure it is a good thing for them. Out in the wild there would be all sorts of movements and visual inputs to stimulate their primitive buggy beings, nothing like living in a sterile cage where nothing happens accept the occasional prey item tossed in.

Funny Rick should mention a dog though because my dog doesn't recognize the TV at all nor any of my higher intellect animals. Guess only my mantises are dummy enough to dumb down their brains with TV like the human part of my family. :p

The mantis is probably attracted by the movement on the screen.
This is the conclusion I've come to as well. They don't necessarily react to the movement on the screen but they focus in on where the action is in their immediate environment. That would be a pretty logical conclusion.

Well I'm glad to see others have noticed this behavior!

I had a violin out yesterday sitting on a pillow on my sofa and it literally sat there transfixed for several hours. Didn't move an inch.

And while I'm at it:


I got these babies from you!

:clap: :punk: :clap:

Just your imagination. It isn't what you think. Same as people who claim their mantis comes when they call its name or "likes" to be held. It's an insect, not a dog. :D
Stop spoiling everyone's fun. :angry:

Mine does this too. He edges closer and closer to the side of his home that's nearest to the TV. But when I turn it off or block the screen, he loses interest and begins to wander.

I don't watch much TV but when I take a mantid out for hangout time outside, they look at every car that passes. It must be the movement and light. Like Rick says, they are insects. I think that they are great, regardless! :lol:

Mine absolutely watch TV, they're mostly sports fans. :lol: I have large cathedral ceilings in the family room and the game room so I have never tried it with the males.
