Mantids that impress your non-mantis rearing friends the most...


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my boyfriends loves the Gongylus Gongyloides, Deroplatys Dessicata and Phyllocrania Paradoxa :p

i even gave him a few.

pretty much everyone in my family can't stand them. thats why they're in the shed :D (with heating of course).

my boyfriends loves the Gongylus Gongyloides, Deroplatys Dessicata and Phyllocrania Paradoxa :p i even gave him a few.

pretty much everyone in my family can't stand them. thats why they're in the shed :D (with heating of course).
Becky, I remember seeing a pic of you with one of your boyfriends, but not the others. May I ask how many you have? Perhaps one for each of the species that you mention? :D

.. all my friends are only impressed by big mantids, first thing they say is... do you have any big ones? i guess they dont care for looks ...

My wife likes Orchid mantis and my son prefers Florida bark mantis. Based on my experience, ladies love orchid mantis while boys like big size and colorful mantis.

I think many people don't realize how many different kinds of mantids there are. Until I became interested in them myself, I only ever knew about the "brown ones and the green ones." :)

I think simply having praying mantids in the house (we only have Carolinas and Chinese right now) just blows some people away. I have most of my mantids in my office, but one was out in the den on the coffee table a few nights ago when a neighbor stopped by. She was just talking away about something and suddenly she said, "Oh my GOD!!! There's a PRAYING MANTIS on your COFFEE TABLE!" (Of course he was in his enclosure). I took her back to the office and showed her all my mantids, and she was just totally fascinated. Now, whenever she sees me outside, she says, "Are you looking for another mantis?" or "Hunting food for your mantids?" I honestly don't think she ever realized people kept mantids in the house. LOL


Did I tell you guys, that I got laid after inviting a girl over to show her my mantids?

My Girlfriend love Gongylus gongylodes, and my younger sister like Creobroter and Tenodera and Ephestiasula.

Btw my Girlfriend loves to feed my Eublefar gecko ! :D My gecko don't want to eat when I feed him...

Because I work at a musuem, I get a chance to constatly show my mantids to the public.

I have found the public favorites to be:

Sibylla, pretiosa

Gongylus, gongylodes

Deroplatys, desiccata

Deroplatys, lobata

Hymenopus, coronatus

Pseudovates, arizonae

Phyllocrania, paradoxa

Brunneria, borealis

I think many people don't realize how many different kinds of mantids there are. Until I became interested in them myself, I only ever knew about the "brown ones and the green ones." :) I think simply having praying mantids in the house (we only have Carolinas and Chinese right now) just blows some people away. I have most of my mantids in my office, but one was out in the den on the coffee table a few nights ago when a neighbor stopped by. She was just talking away about something and suddenly she said, "Oh my GOD!!! There's a PRAYING MANTIS on your COFFEE TABLE!" (Of course he was in his enclosure). I took her back to the office and showed her all my mantids, and she was just totally fascinated. Now, whenever she sees me outside, she says, "Are you looking for another mantis?" or "Hunting food for your mantids?" I honestly don't think she ever realized people kept mantids in the house. LOL

I get the same kind of reaction when people find out I keep mantids at home. And you should see the reactions of the ones I've taken into the bug room. It's like they've stepped into another world, and are completely amazed and caught off guard. The bug room seems to make quite an impression on them, lol.

I think Yen just broke Kruszakus's heart :p
:lol: :p

Did I tell you guys, that I got laid after inviting a girl over to show her my mantids?
:rolleyes: :p

My wife doesn't like any of them. She doesn't like any living things except horses and cats. Drives me batty.

And she rules the they have to be kept out of her way.

But both my daughters love all the mantids. My older one (Miranda) is constantly asking to hold them. Unfortunately, I only have two adults right now....and one of them (Lobata) is rather grumpy and will bite. The other (ghost) I'm just not willing to risk, because it's so darn cool.

Did I tell you guys, that I got laid after inviting a girl over to show her my mantids?
Lucky she didn't try and bite your head off.....

Please forgive THAT double entendre. I can't resist a pun.
