Monster Bug Wars!


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i think it is a little dumb. if i want to see unfair fights i can go in my back yard and watch a spider eat a fly. also they need better experts.

i think it is a little dumb. if i want to see unfair fights i can go in my back yard and watch a spider eat a fly. also they need better experts.
Yes I cant agree more but for what it is its as good as its going to get.

round one! moss mantis vs tiger beatle

winer is.....................

The moss mantis!!!!!!!!1

the croud goes wild!

There is a Hierodula sp. I saw on there one time eating some type of Heteropteryx. It kinda looks like the Hierodula majuscula with the coloration on the medial forelegs, but once you get a good look it clearly isn't. I could do without the sound effects!

I could do without the sound effects!
Lol, that's what I always say when I watch it, a tiger growl coming from bug is a little over the top, reminds me of the old "The fly" movie when he's in the web and a little voice says "help me-help me".

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There is a Hierodula sp. I saw on there one time eating some type of Heteropteryx. It kinda looks like the Hierodula majuscula with the coloration on the medial forelegs, but once you get a good look it clearly isn't. I could do without the sound effects!
It is a H. majuscula eating an Extatosoma tiaratum...I posted it a while ago.I thought it was a nice show,but most of the fights are not shooted in the wild...

Lol! The sound effects make me laugh for a little while until I get annoyed with it. I also don't like how they set up some of the unfair fights, but I still end up watching all the shows. :mellow:

It is a H. majuscula eating an Extatosoma tiaratum...I posted it a while ago.I thought it was a nice show,but most of the fights are not shooted in the wild...
Now that I look back, you are right! I guess I didn't watch well enough. The second attached photo is what made me believe it was the same species as the photo below. Then I took a closer look and first attached photo shows the characteristic spot on the medial coxae of a Hierodula majuscula.

Great eye Nikko! :D

Hierodula sp. from Singapore (courtesy of


Hierodula majuscula (courtesy of our beloved IGM website):




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I like it. I could DEFINITELY do without the dorky SFX though. Last season, they had leaf cutter ants making monkey noises. And I agree with gripen the entomologists can either do better or they need some new entomologists. I know it's all scripted but still. Anyway I just watch it to SEE the bugs and not for the terrible SFX.

I think they do all the cheesy sound effects for shock and drama, but I don't think it is needed.

We first saw the show when my daughter was 5 and she giggled a little at the sounds, she wanted me to turn the volume down cause it was too silly for her. :blink: I tried to get her to play a game by trying to identify which animals were making the sounds, but she said it was embarrassing. :mellow:

I think they do all the cheesy sound effects for shock and drama, but I don't think it is needed.

We first saw the show when my daughter was 5 and she giggled a little at the sounds, she wanted me to turn the volume down cause it was too silly for her. :blink: I tried to get her to play a game by trying to identify which animals were making the sounds, but she said it was embarrassing. :mellow:
Funny. Sounds like my 5 y/o little brother!
