My damaged wild ooth hatched


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Your right, but what has me worried if anything is two more ooths will be hatching soon (another week or two). If I put them into individual cups from the start I got to make 100+ more of those small cups too.
LOL its so much work!! i feel ya!

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Six of the nymphs that hatched January 4th molted today. I was watering/misting them and noticed one seemed much larger, nearly double in size. A closer look and I found a shed exoskeleton and it became obvious. Later on in the day I also got to witness one of the nymphs in the final stages of pulling itself free of the old L1 shed.

Here are images of the shed exoskeleton from the new larger nymph - their first molt and mine as well :D



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Thanks, so far so good with the ones that survived beyond the first 3 day period. I'm down to eight nymphs but they are doing great :)
8 from that batch...But I am sure there are soon more to follow.. Keep working on those cups daddy! Babies need a good home... hehe

8 from that batch...But I am sure there are soon more to follow.. Keep working on those cups daddy! Babies need a good home... hehe

My wife gave me her dang flu/bronchitis/whatever - she has bronchitis for sure and my mom does too and her's is just short of pneumonia so what I have caught from them who knows. Anyway I have been lounging around and sleeping more than anything which is good/bad as it was my day off, although I have another on Thursday so perhaps I can get to making my baby cups then. ;)

Hope you all feel better soon... I can't stand when we keep passing everything around ... Bring on spring!

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Such little troopers. It sounds like they are doing good.

I hope you feel better yourself. Remember, parents don't get sick days so your claw babies expect you to be in top form when caring for them. =p

Such little troopers. It sounds like they are doing good.

I hope you feel better yourself. Remember, parents don't get sick days so your claw babies expect you to be in top form when caring for them. =p
They are so far, and they seem to love the Turkish Gliders more than the Melanogaster. The Turks jumping and motions really entice the nymphs into chasing them down.

Yeah I agree and have not been slacking any - it has though been taking me longer to do their "chores" ;)


My wife gave me her dang flu/bronchitis/whatever - she has bronchitis for sure and my mom does too and her's is just short of pneumonia so what I have caught from them who knows. Anyway I have been lounging around and sleeping more than anything which is good/bad as it was my day off, although I have another on Thursday so perhaps I can get to making my baby cups then. ;)
That sucks that youre sick! its hard to care for so many nymphs when sick. Its happened to me before.

Now they are starting the process of molting again, to L3. So far best I can tell only one has molted to L3, but it if it was like last time the others will be L3 by morning. :D

The L3 Carolina is much larger now, still tiny compared to a adult, but I don't feel like it will be lost by a slight fan breeze. 
I also starting feeding them the larger Hydei fruit flies too the other day. The L2 and larger mantises gobble them down without a problem, so they are growing.

Here are some quick photos of the larger L3 nymph...



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Now they are starting the process of molting again, to L3. So far best I can tell only one has molted to L3, but it if it was like last time the others will be L3 by morning. :D

The L3 Carolina is much larger now, still tiny compared to a adult, but I don't feel like it will be lost by a slight fan breeze.
  I also starting feeding them the larger Hydei fruit flies too the other day. The L2 and larger mantises gobble them down without a problem, so they are growing.

Here are some quick photos of the larger L3 nymph...



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Cute... They do grow quickly early... it is those last instars that seem to take so long.. Thanks for sharing.. Keep us updated!

All seven nymphs from ooth 11 molted to L3. With most of them the same bright green color (see above). The only one left from ooth 10 is holding out at L2, but it was born 2 days later so it may take another few days.

One of the L3 nymph's though, Ooth 11 baby #1, is different in it's coloration. It has a base of light green with darker stripes, and almost orange colored eyes. I find it strange as all the others do not have much if any stripes.


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Always something to do... they like to keep you busy! They are so cute!

Always something to do... they like to keep you busy! They are so cute!
That is so true, my dad always says I gave myself too much extra work and asks if I think it's worth it. I of course respond yes it's well worth it. :D

Thanks. I got some cups done today and I'll post some update pictures later.

Oh yeah.. It is so worth it! Just look at all the stuff you have learned... I have found the more learning experiences you have in life, the better...I know I have tried a lot of things in this hobby... that I have used from another hobby. It gave me different things to try that no one may have thought of yet...

Fortunately and unfortunately.. They don't have long lives.. so you do not have to "will" them out to a family member.. like some birds and such..

Oh yeah.. It is so worth it! Just look at all the stuff you have learned... I have found the more learning experiences you have in life, the better...I know I have tried a lot of things in this hobby... that I have used from another hobby. It gave me different things to try that no one may have thought of yet...

Fortunately and unfortunately.. They don't have long lives.. so you do not have to "will" them out to a family member.. like some birds and such..
Yeah it is. He just knows after work I come home and "play" with my mantises until I go to bed and repeat the process. Using my husbandry skills for daily tasks, making habitats, mixing fly cultures - it's always something. ;)

Indeed that would add another problem. My niece, that wanted a mantis, is freaked out by it all. She likes to come look at mine, but I'd be afraid to give her one. Last visit, a mantis I had on my hand, spun around and looked at her and she squealed and keep saying stop staring at me as she kept backing away... I couldn't see her having one working out. :unsure:


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