My giant indian hasnt eaten for over a week, help!!!


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Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
London, UK
he is an adult, has been for at least two months possibly more,

he hasnt eaten for over a week even though iv put a few different locust in his tank.

last time he ate he left the legs which he never does

the ones i have put in turn up dead on the floor but i dont know wether he has killed them

but just not eaten them?!?

any help would be most appreciated as he is a loved pet!!

(i think he is getting old lol but he still moves round?)

thanks in advance



Adult males dont eat any where near as much as females. As long as his abdomen if plumpish...not flat he should be alright.

When you say locusts do you mean large or adult locusts? as he probably wont touch that size even if quite hungry, try smaller prey :)

its cool he has eaten now,

im just paranoid because he is 'old'

i know this sounds crazy but will he just die?

thanks for your info tho,

i dint think they could go with out eating for that long

They do die gradually. If you see them falling off of things in there enclosures and just fall on the ground continually that's a sign of old age and eventual death.

Yeah, my beloved New Zealand female, Boston, is getting dark eyes from time to time, is a lot less steady on her feet and rarely takes food anymore....sigh..... :( the time arrives eventually for all pets.


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