My Mantid Just Molted!


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Joe Caruso

Active member
Jun 29, 2008
Reaction score
London, UK
Anyway, she just molted. I must have missed it by a matter of minutes because when I went in to check on her this morning it looked like she'd just emerged from her old skin and was staggering away from it like she was drunk or had just run the London Marathon or something.

My questions are:

1.) When can I start feeding her again? Am I right in thinking that she needs at least few hours to dry out? It's 10:30am here in London right now, so will it be ok to start feeding here when I get back home this evening? (Around 5 or 6pm).

2.) Before she molted, her abdomen was nice and round and curved. Now it's completely flat. Is this normal?

Thanks in advance,


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Everything is normal. Do not feed her for about 24 hours.

Thanks for the words of advice - she's fattening up nicely now. I fed her today, and she was ravenous; two mealworms and two house flies so far.


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