my mantid


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Jun 6, 2011
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Not sure of the species. This is the only pic I got right now


Ya, I found it yesterday when I opened my grill lid. I fed it a small moth, it tore it up. Im gonna get it a cage setup this weekend. Im in Tennessee if that matters. How can I tell if its a male or femal?

count the segments on the underside and if it has 8 its a male and 6 its a female!

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I was thinking it looked like a chinese also, or maybe a carolina. Ill take some more when I get a bigger cage for it. I can't get any good pics when its in the jar. It can't be no bigger than 2 inches in length

I don't think so. It has 2 pointy things sticking out the end of its body, almost like pinchers, but I guess that's it wings forming maybe??

That looks like a Chinese mantis. If the pointy things are on coming from the rear end, they are cerci(feelers). The wing buds will be located in the middle of the back. If the wing buds appear swollen the mantis will soon molt.

Its starting to get some brown streaks on the sides of its abdomen now. He is staying on the top of his enclosure now and seems to be ignoring the cricket running around on the floor, maybe he is gonna molt!

Remove the feeder if you think that it will molt. Also note the wing buds on the meso and metathorax they should look swollen, if a molt is imminent.
