Well-known member
I'll probably try to sell them on various forums, craigslist, and local "mom & pop" pet/reptile stores.
In my experience and the experience of friends in CA and FL who breed them we went through alot of FF for the first 2-3 weeks then onto HF and other feeders. Our hatchlings usually required 1 producing culture for every 2 chams for this time frame they will really go through them. But I would have atleast be sitting on a dozen cultures come time to hatch. I start getting massive amounts of emails for FF int he spring from Cham breeders and its never less than a dozen cultures at a time.How many cultures should I have working to feed 50 babies? I make them regularly, but I might just have to increase production depending on how much they will eat. I currently get by with making about 3 a week and that more than covers all my nymphs.
too much testosterone maybe?? i'd try to change something in his environment that might be causing thisThey are "semi-tolerant" you might say, but my male just seems really moody lately. This was the first time I ever experienced this type of aggression with him. I thought he might be mad, because I didn't let him get with my receptive female. I decided to let them have some interaction and he just bolted straight towards her in his dark colors and lunged at her. He was snatched up and put into his cage and is on "time out" for the time being. He hasn't really been eating much, so something might be "off" with him or he might be heading towards a shed. Hopefully a shed is coming, because I don't like this attitude he's been throwing. He's really been giving me the stink eye. Oh well, what to do?