New ooths in the mail~~~


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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2012
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
So back in December I bought a couple Humbertiella ceylonica ooths from Nikko. He shipped them out right away but they got lost in transit somewhere and I never received them. Recently he told me he had more ooths and that he could replace the ones that got lost (which were never guaranteed). I received the shipment today, 8 days in transit from Geneva to Canada. About the same as ordering from the states actually.

Anyway I have 2 im 95% positive are humbertiella and a third was included in the package and I"m not really sure what it is. It might be a Humber that was laid differently, might be a different species, might not even be an ooth. I was hoping you guys could tell me.

The three ooths:


Humber 1:


Humber 2:




The unknown is smooth, almost like its not even foam. Which is what makes me wonder if its even an ooth at all. It's also perfectly flat on the other side.

I think its Psuedoharpax. Might be wrong though, I'm just guessing that because Psuedoharpax looks like a smaller orchid mantis, their ooth would too. Plus the seller sells that ootheca, it's a credible guess.

I think its Psuedoharpax. Might be wrong though, I'm just guessing that because Psuedoharpax looks like a smaller orchid mantis, their ooth would too. Plus the seller sells that ootheca, it's a credible guess.
Possibly. Looking at the pseudoharpax thread on UKforum it looks like their ooths are wider than this one though.
