New Web Site


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Well-known member
Jan 25, 2005
Reaction score
Port Richey, Florida
Hey everyone,

I made a new website finally. Made it today and there's still ALOT to be done. Right now I just have minor things on it. Check it out, any suggestions??



Congrate Eros, i see shadow of your old exotic-mantis website here, but have to say this one is better! :D Looking forward to trade some mantis with you in the future.

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Thanks for the feedback guys! I definately want to make it better than the last. I just started it a day ago so i'll need a few weeks to add some stuff. I'm in the proccess of buying a small High Definition CamCorder to record some mantids, and throw the footage on the site :)


Eros JN

Some constructive criticism straight off the bat... your flash menu buttons. I can't even see why they are flash to be honest, they're just images.

For compatibility I'd change that to non flash. Some people won't even use a flash player for a variety of reasons.

Some constructive criticism straight off the bat... your flash menu buttons. I can't even see why they are flash to be honest, they're just images. For compatibility I'd change that to non flash. Some people won't even use a flash player for a variety of reasons.
Wow, I didn't even know that that was flash. It could be a little cooler.(the flash) ;) But then again, with a little more work with the content, then it should be fine. I think your logo thingie is very nice! Photoshop?

Here's my new name on the Forum :-D
Hi Eros,

PM me if you would like your old name changed to the new one. This way you won't lose your old account including post history, join date, member status, etc.

It's a very simple thing for me to do.

Nice website!


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Did you partner with Deshawn on the new site? I noticed that your caresheets are the same as his word for word.


Thanks for all the comments fellas. Me and Deshawn are pretty tight, so he said it wouldn't be a problem if I used them. I was considering making my own, but in reality, I mean all these mantid care sheets are pretty much telling you the same thing....keep at warm temps, good humidity, etc. etc. So why sit there for hours making my own when it will end up looking pretty similar to Deshawns?? In time I will make my own for species I aquire that he doesnt have a care sheet on, for example the Gonatista grisea.

(I'll message you now Peter :)

I believed DeShawn's mantiskingdom site is still on-going. The caresheets on DeShawn's page are really from Evan Ngo originally. ANyway, glad to see you are making a comeback :D
