At the big petstores, do they carry the fly larvae and fruitflies, etc I will need when my babies hatch? I know they do have crickets. I see fly growing and supplying machine looking things I can order on-line but to tell the truth, it was enough of a battle to get my wife to allow a terrrium with a mantid in the house. If I have to go to Petco every day for goodies for my Mantid, it is worth it.
"What is that thing. Honey?" Oh that is where I grow my wingless fruitfly larvae." No way Jose!
I convinced her I am going to find ways to grow gillions of mantids in captivity, to release them to help take pesticide out of the environment ... worked so far but no fly larvae in the house, not more than my mantids will eat in a day or two anyway!
"What is that thing. Honey?" Oh that is where I grow my wingless fruitfly larvae." No way Jose!
I convinced her I am going to find ways to grow gillions of mantids in captivity, to release them to help take pesticide out of the environment ... worked so far but no fly larvae in the house, not more than my mantids will eat in a day or two anyway!