Speaking with non-mantid people.
I've never heard of a mantid/human hybrid....
Right you are my good man!Yen Saw
Chinese Ooth Release
Well, if Yen says that he saw the Chinese releasing ooths, I don't doubt it, but I think that the Chinese are pretty naive if they believe that the well publicized release of a few ooths will make us forget the thousands of political dissidents that they are still holding in jail.
lol"How do you make a cricket trap?"
Well, it's not easy. Had you thought of making it hop or chirp instead? Maybe send it to a Trappist monastery. They would fix it one way or another.
If i had a couple of those molts, this would be even funnier..Maybe they meant molt liquor (ouch!), as in "how many brewskies do I have left?"
I always enjoy this game!
Well, i gotta say that "new hobby"sounds nicer than "mortal sin"!"First successful mating!"
Well, that is a little personal for these forums...but congrats on your new hobby!