Ooth hatched ...now what !?


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Dec 11, 2012
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Hi everyone:),

well my Hierodula unimaculata ooth hatched last night, It is my first ooth and im unsure of how to go about taking care of my nymphs.

I had some things ready for when they hatched but i wanted to know if there is anything special i have to do for them.

I have small deli cups to separate them

pinhead crickets

excelsior ( shredded corn husk )

Heat mat and heat lamps

well i feel kinda embarrassed to ask but if someone could please answer my questions that would be great, I'm fully aware that i could find answers to these questions on google but i want to be sure and i know alot of you have valuable tips

1. When is it ok to handle them ? ( i want to get them into individual containers )

2. When should i start feeding them ? ( it says to wait two days before feeding them )

3. How do i breed fruit flies ? ( here in Mexico none of the pet stores carry any type of fruit flies and ordering via internet is very difficult )

4. How often Should I mist them ?

5. How often should i feed them ?

Question number 3 is by far the one that i need help with the most. Where i live it is difficult to get any type of feeder insects other than crickets

thank you all for reading this and if you answered one or all of my questions, thank you so so much :)

Ivan Reyes




^from last night

v from this morning


Feed them after a day, but i would mist lightly now so they can drink

I would move them to a bigger container and then try to separate, cause you might squish some in the lid. ;) good luck!

Edit: feed with fruit flies, melanogaster for first instar.

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If you can order some hydei ffs that would be a better option...order an already producing culture...

All the best,


If you can order some hydei ffs that would be a better option...order an already producing culture...

All the best,

i would love too but here where i live it would take about 3 weeks for the culture to arrive. I am in the process of separating them and I misted them once. Most of the are now happily in their new cup and about five have died but not sure why.




so far i have separated 47 nymphs and are about half way to being done

Im still unsure about how to get the pinhead crickets into the nymph cups ( any ideas )

Lol you wouldn't really need to separate them til next instar but whatever floats your boat :) ...you could do the hole and sponge technique and put how many ever crix in the cup as you have mantids...hope this helps! ;)

thanks guys, i wanted to separate them now because i will eventually have to do it so what the heck. I think that tomorrow i will try and feed them. thanks to everyone that gave me advice :) its really appreciated by my nymphs and myself

Np, also, use fruit flies before crix, because it helps ease them in. Crix are tougher prey, but its ur call.

Now you prepare to become a slave I mean loving caretaker of a demanding swarm. Seriously, I don't know how you folks can keep up with that many tiny claw babies at once.

I generally do not separate large hatches like that. You can probably already see how many containers you need. It will also take a long time to feed them all. I hatch them out in an appropriate sized container and leave them all in there until I get down to a number I can manage. This way you're left with the best nymphs. Many will likely die for no obvious reason so separating so early is really not worth it.

Kind of late for ff's now, those lids won't hold them, as Rick said to many cups so put 2 per cup and let the strongest survive. ;)

would it be in their best interest to let them live together just in a bigger tub, dump in a container of crickets and do this until i have fewer since im up about 140 nymphs so far. and after a couple of weeks separate them ?

would it be in their best interest to let them live together just in a bigger tub, dump in a container of crickets and do this until i have fewer since im up about 140 nymphs so far. and after a couple of weeks separate them ?
Yes that would be a good move for now...but I kno you don't have them right now but next time ffs would make life easier (if you can attain them) ...and don't forget to spray with water... ;)

I separated them into groups of 25 nymphs and put them into 1ltr. containers with holes for ventilation on top. I dumped in some crickets misted them once and set the temp to 24c. Some of the nymphs are starting to try and catch the crickets but most of them seem to be frightened by them and are sitting at the top of the container. I am traveling to another city to try and find some ffs to make feeding easier :)
