Ooth hatched ...now what !?


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the majority of them are feeding on drosos about 8 in total have died. I wanted to say thank you to everyone that helped out and gave me advice


Here is a pic of one of my hatcheries:


I still have the ooth glued to the top. Next to it is the funnel I made from a piece of paper and tape. I place the funnel in the top where the blue piece of sponge is sticking out of and dump a bunch of fruit flies in. Otherwise the nymphs try to escape. I also use mesh instead of screen on the side because FF can escape through screen. I leave them in there until they become a more manageable number to deal with. Hope this helps to give you a visual of how I hatch the little boogers.

If you order a fruit fly culture make sure it is a freshly made one. It should be ready to go when it arrives. When you get a good culture you will never need to buy them again. They are easy to make.

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This is really great info.  I'm glad I signed up to this forum.  I was stressing on what to do with all of the nymphs now that my H. Membranacea finally hatched.  The only question I have now is regarding which size container to start separating them into in a couple of weeks. At first I was going to order 100 32 oz containers and fabric lids, but i've began contemplating using 5 oz containers for a while.  Should I go with a 16 oz?

This is really great info.  I'm glad I signed up to this forum.  I was stressing on what to do with all of the nymphs now that my H. Membranacea finally hatched.  The only question I have now is regarding which size container to start separating them into in a couple of weeks. At first I was going to order 100 32 oz containers and fabric lids, but i've began contemplating using 5 oz containers for a while.  Should I go with a 16 oz?

Check this out in enclosures and housing CosbyArt address this topic hope this helps.
