Oral guide to mantid binomials


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Also not to mention the word Blepharopsis is Greek for "eyelids that are sided" which I assume refers to the slanted position of a bleph's eyes

These ancient languages do prove useful though :)

no one knows how they spoke latin but we know some....The C was pronounced "K" ,the "S" came later,so it would have been "Kentralis" at that time(until the romanisation of latin).It is nowadays pronounced "S".

Upper Roman class would use only Greek as language...Latin was for lower class.
\Nonsense. Latin was the language of the senate. Latin was the language of the Roman orators and poets. Latin was the language on the great memorials. Do not mislead the hoi poloi!

this is an attempt to try to see if every one can have a common pronunciation for mantid binomials.

well here goes

Brunneria borealis_Broon-air-ee-a bore-ee-al-iss

Creobroter apicallis_Kree-oh-brought-err ap-pickle-is

Creobroter gemmatus_Kree-oh-brought-err gem-at-is

Creobroter pictipennis_Kree-oh-brught-err pik-ti-pennis

Gongylus gongylodes_Gone-gee-lus gong-ee-lo-des

Empusa pennata_Em-poo-sa pen-et-a

Idolomantis diabolica_Idol-oh-man-tis dia-ball-i-cah

Popa spurca_Poh-paa spurr-kaa

Phyllocrania paradoxa_Fie-low-krane-e-a pear-a-dox-a

Phyllovates chlorophaea_Fie-low-vates clore-oh-fah

Tenodera sinensis_Ten-oh-dare-ah sine-en-sis

Sphodromantis centralis_Sfod-row-man-tis sen-trall-iss
Wouldn't it be Phyllovates = fie-lo-vay-tes clor-o-fay-ah?

Also I am pronouncing sinensis with a short first i, sin not sine. Wrong?

My emphasis often seems to be elsewhere. Here in the south we have INsurance and play the GITar. But I'm not from round here.

Great thread.

haha I agree with the former part of that statement but not with GI-tar or INsurance..

These were my guesses (only guesses)

Brunneria borealis_Broon- air-ee-a bore-ee-al-iss

Creobroter apicallis_Kree-oh-brought-err ap-pic-al-is

Creobroter gemmatus_Kree-oh-brought-err gem-at-is

Creobroter pictipennis_Kree-oh-brught-err pik-ti-pennis

Gongylus gongylodes_Gone-gee-lus gong-ee-lo-des

Empusa pennata_Em-poo-sa pen-et-a

Idolomantis diabolica_Idol-oh-man-tis dia-ball-i-cah

Popa spurca_Poh-paa spurr-kaa

Phyllocrania paradoxa_Fie-low-krane-e-a pare-a-dox-a

Phyllovates chlorophaea_Fie-low-vates clore-o-fay-uh

Tenodera sinensis_Te-nuh-dare-ah si-nen-sis

Sphodromantis centralis_Sfod-row-man-tis sen-trall-iss


Nonsense. Latin was the language of the senate. Latin was the language of the Roman orators and poets. Latin was the language on the great memorials. Do not mislead the hoi poloi!
Sorry but they would speak greek...Just like Royal English court would use french as language during a short period of time...It does not mean they did not also speak english.

But upper classes Roman knew also latin of course.For example,when stabbed Julius Caesar never said to Brutus "tu quoque mi fili" but rather "Kai su teknon".


thank you guys for all your suggestions! i will try to take them all into account and hopefully ad some more to the list today!

lol MUST AVOID TEMPTATION!!! the temptation to make a "that's what she said" joke based on your spelling error :p

good job fixin it :)

now to pronounce a creo spp in an improper way: Sreo-bro-tere a-piss-a-liss :p
Me and my cousin make fun of ANY scientific name ending in "pennis" cuz it's pretty close to somethin else :p . Hehehehe! Pictipennis is even worse than most! Hahaha!

Sorry but they would speak greek...Just like Royal English court would use french as language during a short period of time...It does not mean they did not also speak english.

But upper classes Roman knew also latin of course.For example,when stabbed Julius Caesar never said to Brutus "tu quoque mi fili" but rather "Kai su teknon".

\Thank you for an interesting reply to my rather rude response; a Google search supports your view. I knew that the Byzantine Empire shifted to or maintained Greek and ( from Gibbon's Decline and Fall) that Greek nurses would instruct their charges in Latin and Greek, but did not know that it was as widely used among the high born as, say, french was in the Russian court before the fall of the Empire..

Your reference to Caesar's dying words also has great speculative entertainment value. The most famous "furrin" quotation from Shakespeare changes "my son" to Brutus's name, "Et tu, Brute?" Which to a Roman bystander might have meant, "You too, stupid?" I suspect that the traditional belief that Shakespeare's Julius spoke in Latin is true, but as a schoolchild, when translating Latin Prepared I was required to translate Greek passages into French, so it is possible that Shakespeare, who had "small Latin and less Greek" was offering a poorly remembered French translation from an English rendering of a Latin text. Of course, a Francophone would probably hear "Et tu Brute" as "And you, raw?" but the English have always had a proud tradition of being bad at languages, and King George V, trying to call down the blessing of God on French troops around 1914, thought that "blesser" was the verb to bless! [and for those of us who have forgotten much of their french, "blesser" mean "to injure", so the French troops were a little disturbed to hear this foreign monarch say "May God wound you"]

Anyway, I am happy to concede the point and thank you for getting my tired old brain working for half an hour or so. :D

haha I agree with the former part of that statement but not with GI-tar or INsurance..

These were my guesses (only guesses)

Brunneria borealis_Broon- air-ee-a bore-ee-al-iss

Creobroter apicallis_Kree-oh-brought-err ap-pic-al-is

Creobroter gemmatus_Kree-oh-brought-err gem-at-is

Creobroter pictipennis_Kree-oh-brught-err pik-ti-pennis

Gongylus gongylodes_Gone-gee-lus gong-ee-lo-des

Empusa pennata_Em-poo-sa pen-et-a

Idolomantis diabolica_Idol-oh-man-tis dia-ball-i-cah

Popa spurca_Poh-paa spurr-kaa

Phyllocrania paradoxa_Fie-low-krane-e-a pare-a-dox-a

Phyllovates chlorophaea_Fie-low-vates clore-o-fay-uh

Tenodera sinensis_Te-nuh-dare-ah si-nen-sis

Sphodromantis centralis_Sfod-row-man-tis sen-trall-iss
I think I'm with you on most of these of these except

creo-brought or brote? -er

and I'm sticking with fie-lo-vay-tees (and I'd write "gon-gy-LO-dees" as well)

and I emphasize the DO. Eye-DO-lo-man-tis

*shrug* Definitely not claiming to be right. I type medical transcription for a living, and words fascinate me. My father claimed one day that the word for ringing in the ears was ti-NYE-tus not TIN-ni-tus (tinnitus), and I'd never heard a doctor or anyone say it that way in 12 years of dictation. Turned out, that was an acceptable pronunciation, though not the common one. So, it's not likely that there will be a hard and fast right or wrong on many of them, unless I'm mistaken and there's a reference somewhere for pronunciation. Still, it's nice to have a guide, and also a discussion.

this is an attempt to try to see if every one can have a common pronunciation for mantid binomials.

well here goes nothing:


Acontista multicolor_Ak-on-ti-sta mul-ty-color

Blepharopsis mendica_Blef-are-op-sis men-dik-a

Brunneria borealis_Broon-air-ee-a bore-ee-al-iss

Creobroter apicallis_Kree-oh-brought-err ap-pic-ale-is

Creobroter gemmatus_Kree-oh-brought-err gem-at-is

Creobroter pictipennis_Kree-oh-brught-err pik-ti-pennis

Deroplatys dessicata_Dair-oh-play-tees dess-ih-cay-ta

Deroplatys lobata_Dair-oh-play-tees low-bay-ta

Gongylus gongylodes_Gone-gee-lus gong-ee-lo-des

Empusa pennata_Em-poo-sa pen-et-a

Hierodula multispina_Hugh-raw-d-uula multy-spee-nah

Hierodula majuscula_Hugh-raw-d-uula mahj-uo-scuu-la

Hymenopus coronatus_Hi-men-oh-puss core-on-ah-tuss

Idolomantis diabolica_Idol-oh-man-tis dia-ball-i-cah

Idolomorpha lateralis_Idol-oh-more-fa latter-al-iss

Popa spurca_Poh-paa spurr-kaa

Phyllocrania paradoxa_Fie-low-krane-e-a pear-a-dox-a

Phyllovates chlorophaea_Fie-low-vay-tees clore-oh-fah

Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii_Pugh-sude-oh-kree-oh-brogh-trah wall-berg-ee

Pseudovates arizonae_Pugh-sude-oh-vay-tees air-ih-zone-ah

Sphodromantis centralis_Sfod-row-man-tis sen-trall-iss

Sphodromantis lineola_Sfod-row-man-tis lin-e-oh-la

Tenodera sinensis_Ten-uh-dare-ah sin-en-sis

now please add some more!

edit: one more thing. these are my pronunciations so PLEASE correct me if im wrong!
I would leave the "pugh" off of the pronunciations for pseudo, I've never heard anyone add the extra sound in front of the s.
