Outdoor Mantis Enclosure?


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Thamnophis X

Mar 21, 2015
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
I used the search option and didn't find anything, but if I made a mistake I apologize. I was curious to see if anyone ever used or made an outdoor enclosure for any of their mantids? I've only had one Chinese mantis before last spring, but it passed away, so I am a mantis novice for certain. Feel free to tell me this whole thing is a bad idea, even just because of my experience level, I won't be offended.

I am aware you couldn't do this with a foreign species because there is a risk of escape. But I had an idea to maybe section off a small part of where my house's old garden used to be and starting it back up with things a mantis could climb and hangout on. Then I was thinking I could find a very fine mesh and somehow make a little tent like enclosure over it to house the mantis but still allow enough sunlight for the plants to be healthy. Has anyone done something like this? I know that there is cylinder mesh enclosures (I think they're called butterfly keepers? Idk), but I wanted something more sturdy.

Maybe an alternative to this would be a garden pot with whatever planted in it, and I could drive a few stakes or skewers and lay the mesh over that, and secure it somehow. That way I could move it to wherever as needed. I plan on bringing the mantis indoor in a separate enclosure during the winter to live out the rest of it's life safe from the cold.

If I were to attempt this I would probably do it with a Chinese mantis (Tenedora sinensis) just because they're naturalized where I live, that's the species I kept before, and it's readily available and hardy. If you have any other ideas or suggestions I'd love to hear them, just keep in mind I live in Pennsylvania so my options are pretty limited as far what I am allowed to keep and what is native to my state, I am not wanting/expecting to do this with a foreign species, I know that is a really bad idea.

Other than that these are the things I need to figure out.

-The type of plants (I have no gardening experience so I am clueless.)


-Protection from heavy rain?

-Lighting for the plants/ type of mesh

-Possible parasite/pest issues?

I'd appreciate any feedback, ideas, suggestions, and personal experiences. Thanks!

EDIT: I just realized the only mantids I could do this with are Tenedora sinensis and Mantis religiosa. So I'm definitely going to be going with the Chinese mantis

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I got two questions for about your outdoor enclosure first. Do you plan on feeding the mantis yourself, or what it can find in the "wild"? Also kind of related, is this a setup will the mantis can come and go as it pleases?

I was curious as I didn't see those two answered/addressed.

I got two questions for about your outdoor enclosure first. Do you plan on feeding the mantis yourself, or what it can find in the "wild"? Also kind of related, is this a setup will the mantis can come and go as it pleases?

I was curious as I didn't see those two answered/addressed.
Oh yeah sorry about that. Yeah I was going to feed the mantis myself, and this would be a setup which the mantis could not go where it pleases but is contained by the mesh enclosure. That's why I'm concerned about the temperature/shade/lighting. Would that be at all possible for a stationary enclosure or would I have to do a portable one for those reasons?

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Here is my opinion:

Type of plants (various sized bushes and shrubbery that flower at different times to keep insects there OR to attract additional insects with the ability to increase screen sizes over time).

Shading is a real issue. Though people may believe that mantises can take the heat, it has been my experience when living in Colorado that the M. Religiosa enjoy spending the hottest portion of the day under the cover of brush and only come out at night when it is cool.

Wow - I wish you the best on this project. I garden and raise praying mantises though I rarely combine the two unless I have enough foliage to support a couple native mantids. Let us know how your project goes! (=

If you are using native species, there should be no reason outside enclosures won't work. Depending on the size of the cage verses the mantis however it might be a touch hard to track down your mantis for feedings. Also make sure if you have gotten any newer plants that you give them good rinse and then a couple weeks to detox in case pesticides were used on them.

Back before I lost all the screening on the porch because of a hurricane, I used to like to set my mantises outside each day to enjoy some fresh air in their net cages and then bring them in at night.

Thank you for the feedback and advice everyone. I've decided I'm gonna probably try this out with garden pot first. I'm gonna try to get the things I need together this week (minus the mantis), so I'll this thread updated

Thank you for the feedback and advice everyone. I've decided I'm gonna probably try this out with garden pot first. I'm gonna try to get the things I need together this week (minus the mantis), so I'll this thread updated
Sounds interesting, and you got some feedback, so let us know how it goes. ;)

Good thread! This gave me some ideas and inspiration. My spouse won't let me keep a mantis indoors as a pet, I hadn't thought of making a specialized outdoor enclosure. That might be a good workaround to one of my problems :)


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