Parymenopus davisoni


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Ismart that's awesome! I'm sorry only one survived, that's a real bummer.. Did you buy that batch of hymenopus l2 or is that from personal breeding?
No, the L2 orchids are not from my stock. They are not from yen's either. If i do mange to get this P. davisoni nymph to adulthood, and no one in the states can help me?

I will have to grovel in the UK, and German forums. I better start brushing up on my German! :lol:

Lady GaGa has a song where she speaks false German and goes like "I don't speak German, but I can if you like!!"

Maybe your L2 nymph is the chosen one, who will make it to adult and then learn German and French and rule the world :p

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Just molted to L3. Comparison with an L3 orchid.


I think crisp will have some in the future maybe he told me a while ago he bred his female with his 2 males not sure whats up though and its spelled parymenopus davisoni!

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I think crisp will have some in the future maybe he told me a while ago he bred his female with his 2 males not sure whats up though and its spelled parymenopus davisoni!
Yes, i hope he breeds his? The spelling was corrected in the start of the thread.

I'm sorry Nikkko! I kinda high jacked your thread. :(




got 2 fertile females, 1 sub female, 1 presub female and around 18 hatchlings and 4 oothecae :) :) :)

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got 2 fertile females, 1 sub female, 1 presub female and around 18 hatchlings and 4 oothecae :) :) :)
Wow, that pic of the sub is interesting. Looks much different than I thought they would. Maybe I will pick some of these up.

Nice pics, by the way!

I noticed my adult p davidsoni ate totally a diff shape and sixe a out typical orchid??Thayer are also more calm foding a nice hanging plant and spending 99% of the time chilling I the same spot moat of the time don't breed gals for at least 4 weeks to get a good fetal female ;)

I know it's been awhile, but due to a bunch of personal problems. I have not been able to update my progress with my lone female. She has now been an adult for three months. I managed to aquire two males from Germany. Thanks to Marius. :) Seriously great guy! He went out of his way to get these males to me.

After receiving the males one sadly died a few days later. It was obvious the strain of such a long trip was just too much for it. Luckly the other male was strong and robust! I have manged to mate them 6 times before the male finally perished. She has so far laid 4 ooths. The first not being fertile. She was only mated once before she laid the first ooth. The second ooth hatched a few days ago. Due to my stupidity. The humidity was not high enough. All but two nymphs got stuck to the ooth. :( Ooth 3, and 4 are both larger, and look much more healthier than the the first two that were laid. I hope for a great hatch rate?

Here are a few pics. Hopefully some time today i can get a few pics of the nymphs. Oh, and sorry for the bad quality. These pics were taken from my phone.





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Parahymenopus davisonii L2?????

you mean parymenopus davisonii?your nymph look like parymenopus
