Praying Mantis Kid's book- pictures needed!


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From just seeing the little bit you have posted already, put my on the First Edition List (Author signed copy would be cool).  My son is 5 years old and would love this.  The age group might be lower than your anticipating. 

Try not to get to far into the weeds.  Start a "Parking Lot" for items that may not fit this project.  Then when it's done, your Parking Lot may start adventure #2.
Okay I will ? Pun1sh3R is on First Edition list! About the age group, you are probably right. I know my 3 year old brother would love it thats why I am not including anything about mating.

Good advice. I started writing a book for youtube creators to teach them about the system several years ago. Every subject soon became its own chapter and I ran out of steam about 100 pages in. If I had been more concise and selective about subjects, I may have actually completed the project.
True. I will try to keep it simple and not "run out of steam"!

Okay so here is what I have so far..

Author note

"What we will study" list

Anatomy of mantis

Why the mantis is built the way it is (covers predator-ship and three defence mechanisms)

First instar - 7th instar (1 page per instar)(need pitures of L2-L6 chinese pls..)

Final molt

Mantis Gallery (c. Pictipennis, h. Venosa, h. Membrecana, stagmomantis Carolina, so far... Whould like pictures if adult ghost, orchids, and Idolo-mantids)

Maps (picture of Asian, Africa and USA/N.&S. Carolina with a short list of species native there)

Basic Care (Note to parents)

Resources and acknowledgments 

Anything else?

I think thats a great list. You will get lots of suggestions for things to add, but your list is good as is.

The only section I think is interesting to kids, but missing from your list (unless it is one of the three defense mechanisms) is camouflage.

Okay so here is what I have so far..

Author note

"What we will study" list

Anatomy of mantis

Why the mantis is built the way it is (covers predator-ship and three defence mechanisms)

First instar - 7th instar (1 page per instar)(need pitures of L2-L6 chinese pls..)

Final molt

Mantis Gallery (c. Pictipennis, h. Venosa, h. Membrecana, stagmomantis Carolina, so far... Whould like pictures if adult ghost, orchids, and Idolo-mantids)

Maps (picture of Asian, Africa and USA/N.&S. Carolina with a short list of species native there)

Basic Care (Note to parents)

Resources and acknowledgments 

Anything else?
The list looks good.  Do you mention Ooth prior to instar?

Captive Care (Term instead of Basic)?

For the Geography (Maps Section) it could be as simple as the map with pictures of the Mantids in the highlighted area they occupy.  (Color match the border of the Mantid picture to the color of their highlighted area). Taking it a step further on the color thing, tie the color to the species page (Backround color of the scientific name)?

This would be an easy visual and promote the kid to look back through the book to the species page for more info if curious.  A Match and Find type of thing?  Could add to the learning of the Kid/Parent.

Good ideas! But how do I make the background a different color on each page? When I set the background it's only one color..!

What program are you using? 

Depending on the program.  Example: Add a text box for the Scientific Name.  Type the name in.  Then select the text box and change the Backround color of the box.

I shot some great pics of my Orchid, Oanther, and Thistle. I emailed you . Do you think you may use them?

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@Cole 78 Thanks! I will look at them! I am sure I can use at least a few. Oh yeah! I just looked at them. Super good quality! 

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Thanks! I can get you some great pics of ghost nymphs once they arrive sometime in the next couple weeks.
Your pictures are nice. Do you have a nice camera? The quality is great! Clear and well lit.

Yeah, I have a Canon Powershot SX60 HS and a Raynox DCR-250 lens. I just use whitepaoer for my white backround, and a few lamps and lights for lighting. 
That is so nice. I want a camera for Christmas but good chance I wont get one... 😔 

I am not quite sure it is the lay out I want so I am trying to see what layout would be best. I have been out of town  a couple times too so I haven't made too much progress. I am still trying to get pictures of Chinese mantid at all instars for the 'WHAT IS AN INSTAR' chapters.

Okay guys and girls!

So here is a list of pictures I still need for the book. I am sitting at my computer here seeing what I need now. Also I am changing the format around and unfortunately probably will not be able to have a maps or gallery section. But I still have a tttooonnn of info to cover in one short book so bare with me here..

Pictures: High resolution/quality, picts pls..

Feeders(all sizes and shapes pls!); dubias, crickets, hydei ff, melangster ff, house flies, blue bottle flies, grasshoppers, etc...

Mantids; L1-L7/8 Tendora Sinensis and hatching photos.

Clear under abdomen view of both adult male and female Tendora Sinensis for the page on sexing. 

Pictures of any species oothecea.

And that should be it (for now!) thanks in advance! And I hope I am not wearing anybody out with my constant pleas for pictures! Btw, all the pictures I have are great and I am definitely gonna be using alot of them! THANK YOU!!

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Here is the Table of Contents so far:

What is a praying mantis?

What is a molt?

What is an instar?

Praying mantis anatomy and defining the gender.

Praying mantis habits

Hatching from the ootheca

Instars 1-4

Instars 5-8

Laying the ootheca

What do other species oothecea look like?

What the praying mantis eats

Where the praying mantis lives

The praying mantids predators 

How enviromental changes affect the praying mantis

A word on captive care

Photos, acknowledgments, & resources

Looks great.

In my opinion, the in-depth life cycle discussion (molt, instar, hatching, 1-4, 5-8, other species) should come towards the end. I think anatomy should come directly after "what is a praying mantis" then the habits (which I might call behavior). I think this would lend itself toward how we learn by starting more general and then getting more specific.
