Rant - About the US Postal System


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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2010
Reaction score
Claremore, Oklahoma
Okay, I know I already griped about this in Yen's feedback, but I just want to make sure EVERYONE gets a good earful. ;)

Our postal carrier is horrible! After many "issues" and even having to call the office & make her come back & pick up misdelivered mail & packages, we still get stuff like THIS:


I don't know if you can tell, but the mailbox door is open...this carrier has a habit of opening the door & balancing boxes on it, OR putting packages in a plastic bag & hanging them off of the flag on the box (which is now warped from this).

Now, I ask you, what possesses a person to do these kinds of stupid things? And whatever happened to good old-fashioned morals & work ethics?? Sure, you could say, "Well, they don't make much"...yadda, yadda, yadda...well, hey, I don't care if I'm just sending out a $7.00 fruit fly culture...I'm still going to do my best to make sure it's properly made, packaged & mailed on time! Why is that such a difficult concept? How about taking pride in one's work, at least? *sigh* I could ALMOST understand if this was a young person...just out of school or whatever...but this postal carrier is an older woman, who you'd think would know better.

Anywho...THIS is why I ask & ask again for people to TELL ME when they're mailing me stuff, especially live stuff, so that I can watch for it, since our carrier WILL NOT bring packages to the door! (On the rare occasion that she does, she doesn't ring the bell!)

Okay...rant over! Thanks for listening! (Reading!) :p

My dad is a mail carrier for the USPS, and he doesn't do stuff like that. And, actually, they make quite a bit of money. Sorry to hear that your mail carrier is lazy! Like Jess said, take that to the post office and complain. Sadly, they're on a union and it's very unlikely you'll get better service from that woman. Maybe she'll get a new route soon and you'll have a better carrier.

My dad is a mail carrier for the USPS, and he doesn't do stuff like that. And, actually, they make quite a bit of money. Sorry to hear that your mail carrier is lazy! Like Jess said, take that to the post office and complain. Sadly, they're on a union and it's very unlikely you'll get better service from that woman. Maybe she'll get a new route soon and you'll have a better carrier.
Umm...NO WAY! The postal worker at the local office is a BEAST! She's like a super-female-dog-from-'H'-'E'-double hockey sticks! I imagine they're both in cahouts to make my life miserable...one delivery at a time! :blink: I get her back when I order things like crickets & mealworms...things that scratch around inside the boxes (large roaches come to mind as well!) in the back of her truck from 8 am till she makes it here around 2 pm. Actually...I would say that it's probably THAT stuff that has made her like she is, but...I've only been ordering things like that for the past year, so...CAN'T BLAME ME!

Yeah, most mail carriers are decent folks. My mom used to give seminars all over the country on how to take the postal exam...probably wasn't the best idea if it made it possible for THESE kind of people to get the job, though, huh??? :lol:

Wow. That is pretty bad. I am fortunate that I have an excellent guy. He brings stuff to my carport out of sight from the street. He also picks up things without fail. What you have there is absolutely unacceptable. Don't be fooled. Letter carriers can make very good money. I work part time at an employment office. I've seen some of their salaries. First time I saw what one client made as a letter carrier I was actually shocked. I hope you get it sorted out. Don't give up, take it up the chain if your local people won't do anything.

Ya, that is unacceptable.

Our complex has separate mail boxes stands. But the letter carrier still brings big packages to the doors.

They do usually make good money.

If you don't feel you can bring the pic to the local office then go over their head. The people sending you packages are expecting better service for that and are PAYING FOR IT.

When our old postal worker retired, we got this psyco dude for a little while. He mixed up the mail half of the time and neighbors had to exchange it accordingly. <_<

The same postman almost went postal on our new neighbors because they left the previous tenants' mail in the box. He started yelling and cussing at them, and he even got out of the truck and started doing some kind of human threat displays. :lol: I was outside and even argued with him for a minute. I wish I had a video of his threat display, because he was out of control.

Now we have a nice postman, but if he is not working, we sometimes still get the psyco. I saw him the other day as he was doing the route in the opposite direction of the way that the other postpeople go. <_<

LOL...good point, Peter J F. The town I lived in a few years ago (some 20 miles away now) had an excellent local post office/carriers...I wonder if I could take it up with them and see if they can help out? (I seriously think "Nancy the PO BEAST" will just laugh in my face if I try to complain to her! No, wait a minute...she doesn't laugh...she doesn't even SMILE. :blink: )

My dad is a mail carrier for the USPS, and he doesn't do stuff like that. And, actually, they make quite a bit of money. Sorry to hear that your mail carrier is lazy! Like Jess said, take that to the post office and complain. Sadly, they're on a union and it's very unlikely you'll get better service from that woman. Maybe she'll get a new route soon and you'll have a better carrier.
sadly my USPS package carrier is the brother of GreenOasis' mail carrier...

as a result, he doesn't even come to deliver half my packages at all. if I'm lucky, I might get a pink slip in my mail box from my regular mailman the next day telling me that I have a package at the post office. then once I go to the local post office to pick up my package, I'm stuck in line for 2 hours behind everyone else who did not get their package delivered.

also, the manager at my local post office is the sister of Green Oasis' post office manager.

she is the rudest person I know....AND I LIVE IN NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!

this has been going on for 15 years!!!!!! it will NOT change no matter how many complaits you put into the post office.

you wana know why the post office now has "if it fits, it ships" delivery system? do you want to know why the USPS has been losing money for the past 3 years?

it's for reasons listed above and for what GO posted a photo of. :angry:


edit: never mind, I blame Green Oasis' MOM!!!!! :p

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Well mine beats all of yours! Mine is the Mother of all postal carriers :lol: . Here;s a tip, the only way to get around these people is to tip big at Christmas, after that mail comes flying in! :lol:

Wait...we should PAY these people MORE than the gratuitous amounts they already make for acting like 'tards? I don't think so! If she wants my "tip"..she has to EARN IT!

It is customary to tip service people. My service was worse than you can imagine, my hubby even called "It" a name once. When I started tipping, I got better service. See, people do not think they are appreaciated, when they feel they are, they do better, kinda like telling a kid, thats a good boy, you ate all your spinach! ;)

My package of flies was missent today by USPS from Rebecca, they sent it to a beach 50 miles away so it wont be here till Monday, hope the BB spikes and HF pupae will be ok till then. I think I'm going postal :gunsmilie:

Oasis, I think you just started a topic that will never die!


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