Rant - About the US Postal System


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They have a customer service line, maybe you can try that. 1-800-275-8777. If you are not satisfied try shipping with UPS or Fed Ex. Or you can lead a trail of sealed envolopes to a dark alley and *WHAM!!!* baseball bat to the knees. I know a guy... ha ha.
Well let me know when he is available...

Well surprisingly everyone arrived fine and alive except 2 mismolts, 1 death, and 1 cannibalism. I was worried cause the package was in Colorado when the temp was 17f low.

Members: Recently I had a drop shippment of some Mantids which were being mailed from near Houston, TX to Antigo, WI via usps Priority Mail, with tracking. Can you believe the first day they were sent to Sandston, VA, where they were not updated. No matter where I went or called, there was no news, explanation, or update as to the package location, or a reason given for the poor dispatching. Eventually four days later they showed up in WI and the next day delivered. Gladly and no thanks to the usps, the amntids were all fine and the recipient was finally cooled down and not wondering how he could justify spending so much money on a receipt and no package (which was what he was bracing for). Yes, we have quite a postal system. It is a good thing that a few and perhaps many Mantid Forum members in good standing, know how to pack a package with live goods and get it to the destination alive, even when there is a delay of a day to more. Thanks Yen saw, Rebecca, Guapoalto, and others, for your shipping skills.

Well, after being very cautious upon her return to her duties (and taking pictures herself whenever she delivered mail), our carrier has returned to her old, lazy ways!


So, I snapped a pic and sent a message to the USPS again. I would have called the Post Master, but I lost his number when I got my new phone! D'oh! Oh well...I'm sure he'll call again. I still doubt she will be replaced, but...it's amusing to watch her pull out her camera/phone & take pictures of her delivery to my house every day! :p

Well, after being very cautious upon her return to her duties (and taking pictures herself whenever she delivered mail), our carrier has returned to her old, lazy ways!

So, I snapped a pic and sent a message to the USPS again. I would have called the Post Master, but I lost his number when I got my new phone! D'oh! Oh well...I'm sure he'll call again. I still doubt she will be replaced, but...it's amusing to watch her pull out her camera/phone & take pictures of her delivery to my house every day! :p
I think you're cursed! :p

Hmmm. I would tell him that you'd call his boss like I did to mine. He'd shape up for a few days, but then he'd go back to being a @$$. Good luck with yours.

Dang! That is just ridiculous! :censored: I hope you get everything sorted out, especially because you're sending and receiving packages so often.

Dang! That is just ridiculous! :censored: I hope you get everything sorted out, especially because you're sending and receiving packages so often.
Tell me about it! :angry: I can't even TRUST her to pick up my packages (& therefore save me some gas)...likely, she'd THROW them in the back of the truck & play kickball with them all the way into the PO!

I usually don't have any complaints, but today I do! I live in a complex of college townhouses on a long cul-de-sac. The mailboxes are right where you pull in and my apt is about ten feet from these mailboxes. The USPS lady put a note in my mailbox, drove past my townhouse, dropped my box at the office at the end of the cul-de-sac, and left. This was around 1 pm, and the office closes at 2.

Why would you go out of your way to put a note in my mailbox, then drive all the way to the office when you could save time and knock on my door thats ten feet from the friggin mailboxes?

Now the offices are closed for the day and closed Sunday. I think I might go roundhouse the door down and save my mantis!!!!

Maybe you should just move to avoid "going postal" on her azz. :lol:

or send out some packages that have cheap loud ticking whined up clocks in them. :eek: :whistling: :D


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