Rhombo' and 'Chaeta logs


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I had a gorgeous pair of Heterochaeta sent to me by Sally last year, both should be adult by now in someone else's care, however I have a lone l5 male R. valida, cute fella he is :p I also have 7 Rhombodera fuscas, so far it seems I have mostly females but with a good few males as well!

Someone sounds like a Chaeta hoarder. =p

I would really like to try this species one day, but I've been hesitating since I'm pretty sure I saw someone mentioning they don't do too well in net cages and can loose the tip hooks on their feet on the netting.
I had no problems raising them in net cages.
Neither did I. I only have the 12x12x12 cubes. So, I put acouple of big branches in a juice bottle then filled that with small stones. Mine love the branches, they look similar to eachother.

I bet that Aunt and my Murderess are related! Here she is, looking out into the rain for the one male she didn't eat! I think he took off at the first chance he got!


Neither did I. I only have the 12x12x12 cubes. So, I put acouple of big branches in a juice bottle then filled that with small stones. Mine love the branches, they look similar to eachother.
Clever idea, using a juice bottle filled with stones to keep the branches in place!

Thank you Mantidbro, I did similar when raising my wild silkmoths. Oak was awesome set up like it. I put water in the bottle instead of stones. The caterpillars grew bigger and better than keeping them in plastic totes and just putting in leaves.

I had no problems raising them in net cages.
Neither did I. I only have the 12x12x12 cubes. So, I put acouple of big branches in a juice bottle then filled that with small stones. Mine love the branches, they look similar to eachother.
Thank you both for the info. I mainly use net cages so nice to know this species will do okay in them.

I cant fully agree with the former. Ive tried to raised heterochaeta in nets and in its later instars there are issues ive ran into personally. Ive had many more accidents but i dont doubt its impossible to raise a few chaetas in large nets. Just not something id personally reccommend due to my own experiences

Ive had a few more hatches these past two weeks


Ive really been so busy lately, juggling work and some old hobbies. Most of my chaeta are L3 now. ive given up my other mantids to focus primarily on heterochaeta. Will take some pics of the nymphs later.
Awesome! :) all my originals are at L5, then new ones are all at L2 aside from 1, should be soon though!
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Boberic where do you get your chaetas? I have been wanting to get my hand on one for years and you have a whole army!

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He sells them. I bought some once. They are great. Quite the personalities to them. My big female I named Murderess! That is exactly what she is!

Two of her brothers and caught her fighting a sister for a black soldier fly her sister had and was eating. I saw her grab her sister's head to try to force her to let it go so she could take it!

Otherwise, she is gentle and well behaved.

Boberic where do you get your chaetas? I have been wanting to get my hand on one for years and you have a whole army!
haha ive been breeding them for years now! ;)

every year i think im getting more lol

originally i got them from lars, but idk if he has the stock anymore..

Hey mantis man i have a five pack available for you this year or next year assumingly..

Sorry its been a busy and rough few weeks. The chaetas are doing well though! And they are quite rhe lively bunch as i so fondly remember here is a video of one of the new hatches devouring a formidable opponent. Lol not really though.

