Seeking a career in entomology


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I went to the University of Arizona, University of Arizona ento dept.

New Mexico State University and Perdue University both have ento depts. There are atleast 3 other universities that have ento depts but I do not know the names. I will try to find those for you tonight. They are in California, Florida and Utah I believe. I will also try to hunt down some links to them.

Im being bombarded with "what do you want to do after you live school?" queshtons and i dont really know, want to do summut in entomolgy but by the sound of it it aint that good, i just saw a documentry when a bunch of people went to uncharted land to discover new species of animals, which is what id want to do but invertebrates, so what would thet be called? a load of bollucks or a real job cause i cant really remember the program :unsure:

Well i reckon im failing both maths and english all of a sudden due to sh1##y shakespear and algerbra, im doin ok in science on the other hand, so i think i`ll probably fail everything get a ###### job end on strrets and then end it all from a bridge, ain i cheerful? :D

^LOL. :lol: You definitely need to be good in math (and chemistry and physics and other subjects) when getting a degree in any science field. Undergrads at my university say that you are blessed if you are a bio major and can graduate in 4 years.

Undergrads at my university say that you are blessed if you are a bio major and can graduate in 4 years.
What a load of ######!! :lol: I actually managed to pick up a BA with a major in bio and minor in earth and planetary sciences in only 3 years. Of course that degree came AFTER the 4 1/2 years it took to get the BS in entomology. That's right, 3 years in addition to all the Chemistry, physics and tons of bio classes I had already taken. And all those earier classes DID transfer. I really think the whole "general ed" bit is a scam. It just seems to be a great way for the universities to get more money out of students. I have taken more the a few general ed classes that proved to be just a waste of my time and money.

btw, thanks for the useful link Hypoponera, a real help!

I'm currently helping my supervisor investigating the transmission of Agiostrongylus vasorum (canine heartworm) from intermediate host (molluscs) to canines for my dissertation. Going to be really ambitious and see if i can get a straight phD in parasitology (although, i'll need to brown-nose quite a fair bit :D :D).

I really dont know what to do with my life after i get my qualifications. I'm still quite naive in thinking i'll be happy (as i am loving my course at the moment, the more i learn (more like the more i dont know), the more interesting it gets) with relatively rubbish pay considering how much time and effort invested on my education. An electrician finishing school when they're 16, do a few years of apprenticeship could earn £30-40k by the time they're 22. I'm 21, and i'm earning peanuts. I'd also like to think it's not all about the money, but realistically, that will never be true. Well, i'm an ambitious person, i like to be the best at whatever i do, hopefully i'll do alright for myself. If not, i'll just have to marry a rich (and hot) wife with my charmingly good looks :lol:

Need to apply for a Msc Entomology in less than 2 weeks, my CV is turd!!!

University of Florida has an entomology program that I heard was pretty good.
UF does have a good program. Although I can't say too much more as they are a major rival.

To make a comfortable living in the sciences you might want to consider work as a professor (teaching and doing research). They generally make good salaries, but entomology is highly specialized and the job market could be tight.
