This is criminal!!!This thread makes me go back and trace all the idolomantis distributed from my stock in early 2008. As there were close to 300 L2 idolomantis nymphs shipped out it took quite a while to check all the buyers but I was really hoping no one bought it from California; HOwever, to my horror

, Michael Kuo appear to buy 10 Idolomantis from me back in April 2008, and those photos might have been taken by him during that time. And when I checked my email again, he admited that he
is Villosa from mantid forum from one of the email:blink: :blink: So i have his paypal link, couple of email addresses, and residential address which I am not posting here as per Peter request. But I am willing to share this info to anyone who needs to nail this crook, providing he hasn't moved. I apologize for not sharing this info any earlier when he was wrecking havoc here on his previous idolomantis foam scam. I think i have his full name too.