sending mantises...


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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2011
Reaction score
Malta, Europe
So I received my first mantises yesterday. Although I was happy by the Mantis themselves, I wasn't happy about the prolonged transport (Posted on Monday and arrived 7 days after - within EU countries). Now I'm re-getting another different batch from the same breeder.

His method of packaging was a critter box surrounded by newspapers in a sturdy box - no problem there, apart from the extra time it took them to arrive - what I noticed was that they were very very thirsty - Do you think some wet sphangum moss could provide adequate water supply? Or anything else? We're looking into perhaps costier but faster postage (although DHL in my country when contacted said the timeframe would be of only 1 day compared to the DHL service from the breeder's country).

Not mentioning the breeder because he has been very helpful and I have no complaints on his side, more concerned about the posting.

Moss would not be a good idea because it can move around. If the box gets turned over the moss will fall. Paper towels secured by the lid or glued to the bottom of the container work better.

A few months ago, I got some L2 nymphs from Europe that ha been packed with moist tissue paper inside the cups to provide moisture, Every nymph had drowned. You might want to try experimenting with water crystals that have been discussed here before. Here is a link to give you an idea:
ah bug water...should be finely chopped down though as big bits are heavy for insects...

@ Rick I was thinking maybe with a small netting tied to the side?

I've also seen people use cotton balls or pads glued to the bottom. If done correctly neither technique will cause drowning. At least I have never seen that.

There's only one way to test a shipping method, and that's to try it, usually, the simpler the better. If your mantids are alive but thirsty on arrival, just give them water!

There's only one way to test a shipping method, and that's to try it, usually, the simpler the better. If your mantids are alive but thirsty on arrival, just give them water!
had 50% deaths...and I'm thinking thirst's the problem...(apart from the F post)


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