So excited! someone fan me


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Every time I am on this forum you all are talking how hard the Idolomantis are to work with and frankly you all scare the ###### out of me. I received 15 from yen a month ago and they have all molted twice and are still very healthy but L5 and L6 are quickly approaching... here goes nothing

You better be scared! You thought the ghost were hard :blink: , Well this rollar coaster has no breaks buddy, never been inspected and the wood rails are rotten, buckle up and hold on! We have been trying this for over 3, I said THREE years, and none of us have one to show for it! Here is idea, sell them off before the next molt and save yourself the pain..... (dr smith, lost in space) Oh the pain, oh the pain.... :tt2:

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Rebecca, that's AWESOME! Congratulations!

Have you SEEN idolo ooths? I saw two at Pauls house (spent ones) - they freaking enormous!

Who asked how long they are? I forget - but I think they meant how big are they.

If memory serves (and I actually saw Pauls idolo's in person, perhaps even that very one), they're over 4" long. Really HUGE mantids.

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Yea well, I never measured them, this is one species that is really hard. :blink: The female is not eating and I could pull the couple hairs I have left out, but hubby seems attached to them :lol: . She somehow got her one arm crossed over the other arm the night after mating and even though I unhooked it she wont use them to hold anything, so now I am hand feeding her. What a bother! I could just scream and think I will..... :taz: I couldn't find a screaming smilie ( and I insist you guys get one) so I used him. So now I have two female idols to hand feed, and my hand is starting to go numb now even during times when not feeding them. This is not right. It made me sad and angry at same time, so I did not write about it last night hoping I was wrong, but I am not, and if that is not bad enough, she insists on hangin upside down to eat. DON'T EVEN ASK! :taz: :taz:

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Awww Rebecca! You know that you love all that mothering! At my age, my hand sometimes goes numb just from using the trackball. See what you have to look forward to!?

Phil, I just donno what to say, we cant be that much diff in age.... :rolleyes: see, I nice girl:lol: love ya buddy!

Well tonight I discovered how to get her to hold it, so she did and ate the whole thing, other one still giving me hard time.

She is still hard to feed, but I make sure she gets food everyday. It's ok my hands are gone, I'll be fine:blink: .

On another note: Got another lonely female the other day and as we speak they are mating!!!! Just call me the Mating Queen! :lol:




She lost a leg in shipping, which for some reason I kept! But it was really good packaging, u know that non slip rubber stuff sold for shelves and is in a roll? Well he used it to glue around the box and she was able to hold on really good. ;)
