Some pics from the mantid house


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About 25. I can count about four ooths. These live together well with little to no cannibilism.
i experienced heavy casualty when keeping many adults of this species together, with the male go out first, but i have many (30) of them in a foot cube net cage. This proof that larger living space reduces cannibalism greatly.

very cool!

question: have you found that ventilation is no longer an issue with this setup?

very cool!question: have you found that ventilation is no longer an issue with this setup?
No issues. I open it almost daily.

I put in an ooths worth of Hierodula membranacea to replace the others. The egyptian ooths have been hatching which provides food for the others.

What other mantis live communally like those little guys? Living in an apartment does not really afford you the luxury of having a million little 32oz. cups and betta tanks spread all over your living room!!!! Imagine the expressions on my company's faces when they enter the room!!! :shock: So something along those lines kind of adds a bit of an exotic touch to the whole deal!! Great job!!

I want to make a mantis house as well, but I don't think it's going to be in my apartment. House mates will probably kill me.

I just bought a really neat cage that I can only assume was for a snake or a lizard, Its quite tall with 2 sides and the bottom being glass, and the remaining sides and top screen. The top screen slides out one way and the front has a screen that slides up to about halfway. Im thinking of putting in a nice big plant and maiking it a mantis house. It was originally goign to be an outside cage for my Sulcata Tortoise but I dont really want to leave a partial glass tank on its side in the yard, and itd be much cooler for some Mantids even though its so big.

(It's not as big as Rick's so now I'm pretty sure Im ok!)

:) What did you start with? Just ooths in there?
L3 nymphs.
And they were able to find their food?! :?
Yeah, why wouldn't they? You have to feed a little more than normal to make sure they get enough.
Maybe mine are just stupid (what I'm inclined to think) but they can't find their food unless its stuck right under their nose. I had a few L3 instars who's small cage was littered in live fruitflies. It died of starvation, it was emaciated. It was European, I never have any luck at all with them.

If they can find food in the wild they can find it in there. It now houses a bunch of h. mem. I also have no luck with european mantids. I hatched an ooth and now only have one male left who just matured and he came out with messed up wings and a leg that's not right.

My family might kill me if I try taking the whole house over for my pets again. (And by the way; I found that garter snakes just love Christmas Trees!) So my mantids will have to make do with a small 2 1/2 gal. fish tank. I only plan to keep one or at most three in there at a time, but I may have to start saving up the deli cups.

My family might kill me if I try taking the whole house over for my pets again. (And by the way; I found that garter snakes just love Christmas Trees!) So my mantids will have to make do with a small 2 1/2 gal. fish tank. I only plan to keep one or at most three in there at a time, but I may have to start saving up the deli cups.
Mantids like Christmas trees too. I found a bunch of Chinese in the one I got.

My family might kill me if I try taking the whole house over for my pets again. (And by the way; I found that garter snakes just love Christmas Trees!) So my mantids will have to make do with a small 2 1/2 gal. fish tank. I only plan to keep one or at most three in there at a time, but I may have to start saving up the deli cups.
LOL thats great!

Rick you might wanna try a more aggressive and larger species such as Chinese or Giant Asian... Just an idea...
