SPORE, anyone?


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Haha, you guys. I saw some videos a long time ago and they were pretty cool. I'd play it if I even get the chance to play games.

I've been seeing some stuff for it. I'll probably get it once the price has gone down.... or just use all my christmas gift money now and waste on myself. I will see what the future holds.

yes! i have it!

the plankton phase at the beginning seems a little rushed, the creature bit is great though

anyone like to post thier creatures?

The cell stage was the most fun for me, even if a bit short. It took me 13 solid hours of play to get to the space stage, which is the most in-depth portion of the game. Unfortunately, my laptop started having big issues with the game around that time, so I ended up uninstalling it until I get my desktop set up, which isn't too far off.

What difficulty are you guys playing on? I can see how it would feel too short if you were playing on easy. I was playing on normal.

Scratch the whole waiting thing... I'm gonna see if I can get it tonight. I got enough for it from working anyway. :p

Nah, I wouldn't worry about it Ogiga. It's doubtful any "update" is going to add that much if any content to the game.

The crack was out something like a week before the game was released in NA. As long as you don't let it connect to the internet, you'll be fine.

Omg, everywhere i look i hear about this game :lol:

It hasnt even got inter dimensional aliens or a crowbar :p
