Starting a cricket colony


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When they die off, won't they stink? :huh:
I suppose, but I can't really comment because that has never happened to me. They do smell bad when they die in the habitat that I set up for them.

Oh yeah..... Rick, don't you have crickets that die and ferment and smell bad?

Update on my crix colony.

Day 5/6:

About 10 casualties. Only 10-12 left. One adult with wings.

Changed newspaper. Many small flies. Fresh vegetables placed in the colony.

Heres a pic. Unfortunately I couldn't get a pic of the adult. Notice there ar less crix.


I think you guys are being a bit judgmental when it comes to roaches; Not all species are pests. I agree that it would be a bad idea to culture pest roaches, but you can get tropical species easily that will be unable to breed if they escape unless you keep your house very warm.

Roaches have a bad reputation, unfortunately. :(

Update on the crix colony.


About 10 casualties. There are now two adults. Hopefully they are a pair.

Yes, I'm definitely insectist against roaches. I suppose you can say judgmental too. I hate them because they are roaches. Haha. Okay, apologies to all you people who don't hate roaches.

Yes, I'm definitely insectist against roaches. I suppose you can say judgmental too. I hate them because they are roaches. Haha. Okay, apologies to all you people who don't hate roaches.
I don't espeacially like roaches either.

Update on my crix colony.

Day 7/8:

11 casualties. Another cricket molted to adult. Now I have one male and one female. Isolated them in a smaller container. Hopefully they will mate and lay eggs. BTW, does anyone know how wet or dry the soil should be for the female to lay the eggs in? What would happen if its too wet?
