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Dec 14, 2004
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She is one very mean female California mantis!



Sorry took this in my office with iPhone... not the best camera. But the 3 disticntive stripes on top of the abdomen together with the fancy color hindwing make this species different than the other native Stagmomantis spp. in the Northern America region. Will try to take more pics using a better camera and hope she keeps her attitude!

this is just like my female budwing she has gotten this attitude and its hard to get her to calm down when she gets this way!

this is just like my female budwing she has gotten this attitude and its hard to get her to calm down when she gets this way!

this is just like my female budwing she has gotten this attitude and its hard to get her to calm down when she gets this way!

Oh man Yen! She has a serious attitude problem huh? :tt2: The last one is scarier with the blackened eyes....

I like it when they open thier mouths as if to bite whatever is bothering them. :lol: I get a kick out of it every time I get threatened by a mantid. I know that they mean to frighten with the poses, but I can't help it, I always start laughing at them. :lol:

Well Gee Wiz! You're doing WONDERS for their self-esteem by laughing at them! :angry:

Oh well, it just looks funny to me. :lol: Sort of like the sounds that cats make when they are angry. I know they mean business, but is just tickles my funnybone when they make those funny growling sounds. I don't taunt animals or anything. I just have always raised different animals, and some of their behaviors amuse me. :)

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No way! :blink: Yen has found the infamous Stagmomantis californica! Nice find! :) Keep me in mind if you breed them. :)
Yeah, I just went back and read that it was california, not carolina. Yen, please tell us. How the heck did you find this girl? And do you have a male?

At long last, someone finally has the California mantid. The dark purple/black underwings and the 2-3 dark bands at the base of the abdomen says it all. Hopefully you have a male along with the female.

I did not find her. Mike collected her in New Mexico. Here is another of her 'half' threat pose, the stripes are pretty cool


Here is one of the male. Adult male has 4 stripes on the top of the abdomen close. I will spread him on my pinned collection when he passes.


There are more threat pose pictures in the following link if you're so inclined. There is a short movie clip on how she tried to attack a piece of wood (click last pic)


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