Steamed mantis ootheca!


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let me get this right, you just ate one? your about to eat it again after steeming, but inhaling is dangerous? lol come on phil lol at least find a friend with it and try it lol i think inhaling is alot healthier than eating lol.

let me get this right, you just ate one? your about to eat it again after steeming, but inhaling is dangerous? lol come on phil lol at least find a friend with it and try it lol i think inhaling is alot healthier than eating lol.
I think to reap any benefits you have eat it. :p

O.K. I couldn't find my steamer thingy, so I put the ooth in a strainer and put it over a pan with a little water and the lid (mostly) on. I steamed it for five mins and found that instead of being crunchy and unmasticateable, it was now soggy and unmasticatable. If anyone has a few fertile ooths (preferably of rare/desirable species), please feel free to send them to me, and I'll let you know if I get a different result.

I must say, though, that after chewing and swallowing, my blood does not appear to be clogged, and my urine is its normal color, but in order to check out the impotence thing, I shall need an assistant. Please feel free to advertise your availability on this thread or by p.m. :D

hahaha, I wouldnt touch this with a ten foot pole, first of all I lied! Rick if you get pregnant, I will claim it as mine...! I wanna be rich an in Rigblys (spelled wron) believe it or not with you! and Phil, that is not an ooth, it is an old dried out crispix! so spit it out! :lol:

I'm sitting here just laughing out loud at some of you and my husband wanted to know what was so funny. I didn't quite know what to say. He just wouldn't get it. :D :D


O.K. I couldn't find my steamer thingy, so I put the ooth in a strainer and put it over a pan with a little water and the lid (mostly) on. I steamed it for five mins and found that instead of being crunchy and unmasticateable, it was now soggy and unmasticatable. If anyone has a few fertile ooths (preferably of rare/desirable species), please feel free to send them to me, and I'll let you know if I get a different result. I must say, though, that after chewing and swallowing, my blood does not appear to be clogged, and my urine is its normal color, but in order to check out the impotence thing, I shall need an assistant. Please feel free to advertise your availability on this thread or by p.m. :D
Hmm...maybe by "steam" they meant to "steep" it, and then drink the liquid that it was steeped in. (The Eastern Cultures do drink a lot of herbal remedy teas you know) How about giving that a try instead of all of that wasted chewing and let us know, okay Phil?

And as far as the impotence part, I'm not available, sorry. :lol:

Hmm...maybe by "steam" they meant to "steep" it, and then drink the liquid that it was steeped in. (The Eastern Cultures do drink a lot of herbal remedy teas you know) How about giving that a try instead of all of that wasted chewing and let us know, okay Phil?And as far as the impotence part, I'm not available, sorry. :lol:
Now isn't that just grand! Now that I've got to the really interesting part of the experiment, everyone wants to reinterpret "steaming" which is not a very difficult word or process. I think that some of you guys just want to see me suffer. :lol:

Now isn't that just grand! Now that I've got to the really interesting part of the experiment, everyone wants to reinterpret "steaming" which is not a very difficult word or process. I think that some of you guys just want to see me suffer. :lol:
I found you a volunteer...........


I ate one of my dead Chinese ooths today... It wasn't too bad and it was edible. I did steam it and it was pretty soggy. Kinda reminded me off soggy bread. So far I'm not sick lol but i doubt there are any pros for it other than just protein.

I ate one of my dead Chinese ooths today... It wasn't too bad and it was edible. I did steam it and it was pretty soggy. Kinda reminded me off soggy bread. So far I'm not sick lol but i doubt there are any pros for it other than just protein.
I'd have to eat it raw then. Soggy bread makes me gag.

Why so complicated: grind it to powder, take a paper roll and... you know. If the ooth has any medical outcomes, you will know it very fast.

im sure you can find somehing better to add to your brownies ;)

hmm i always believed manna to be semolina. it has been used to feed populations before and in ukraine semolina porridge was called manna porridge (mannaya kasha).

im sure you can find somehing better to add to your brownies ;) hmm i always believed manna to be semolina. it has been used to feed populations before and in ukraine semolina porridge was called manna porridge (mannaya kasha).
Yeah, that's what I was taught, too. You can even buy it in the U.S.!

This was one of my most hated deserts (puddings) when I was a kid. :D If I had been an Israelite in the desert, I think that I would have starved to death.

does it matter what species ooth you use?
Ofcourse, ooths from the Mantis religiosa are nice crunchy, while those of Pseudocreobotra are like fries.

My personal fave is Ameles spp ooths. Perfect combination betwee3n air holes and foam.

Add a few spices and grilled crab and voila!

Oh, it's excellent! Guess I won't have to go hunting for polar bears come winter, should my Idolos grow into adults.

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