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Oh I have PLENTY of snakebite stories. My whole life has been like this quote: "That awkward moment when there is a snake latched onto your nose and no matter how hard you shake you can't get it off" lol.

One time I held a mouse and a few minutes later I held a python. Big mistake. A quite nasty bite

I got this completely insane cornsnake and one time, when I took him out of his cage, He bit me about twelve times on the hand.

One time, at my birthday party when I was like 9 or 10, We held a python, and it repeatedly tried to constrict me. It took 4 adults to get the monster off of me. lol

Many more stories, but not right now.


Next time I post I will have a mantis attack section!!! lol

Oh I have PLENTY of snakebite stories. My whole life has been like this quote: "That awkward moment when there is a snake latched onto your nose and no matter how hard you shake you can't get it off" lol.

One time I held a mouse and a few minutes later I held a python. Big mistake. A quite nasty bite

I got this completely insane cornsnake and one time, when I took him out of his cage, He bit me about twelve times on the hand.

One time, at my birthday party when I was like 9 or 10, We held a python, and it repeatedly tried to constrict me. It took 4 adults to get the monster off of me. lol

Many more stories, but not right now.


Next time I post I will have a mantis attack section!!! lol
Hah, I've been bitten by a few colubrids. Not bad, feels like a quick scrape of the rough side of velcro and lo' and behold you're bleeding. I did have a king snake that got me inbetween the fingers and THAT hurt. A python I'm sure is a different story. I've only held ball pythons and a few small red tails. LOL about the anoles. Lately the green anole population has gone from 80% to 10% in the last years I've actually been keeping track thanks to the pesky invasive brown anoles. The browns are skittish, annoying, and I've seen them attacking black racer hatchlings. I routinely feed them to my chickens when one happens to get too close for it's own good, and when grabbed, boy! It doesn't really hurt, but they do have some pressure to their bite and pulling them off tears up your skin pretty good!

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Almost got tagged by a wild cottonmouth as a child in Florida, that was cool. Grabbed the sucker's tail, and pulled him out, in mid air he almost tagged me in the side, missed by a few inches.

Speaking of mesquitos, I got tagged so many times when I was in the Amazon, it was unreal. I literally had "chicken pox" like bumps all over my boyd for a month, well over 200 bites total.

Bit my mantids a few times, but I've been lucky considering I love to stick my hands and such into unknown territory.
Now that would be a bite. XD

Oh I have PLENTY of snakebite stories. My whole life has been like this quote: "That awkward moment when there is a snake latched onto your nose and no matter how hard you shake you can't get it off" lol.

One time I held a mouse and a few minutes later I held a python. Big mistake. A quite nasty bite

I got this completely insane cornsnake and one time, when I took him out of his cage, He bit me about twelve times on the hand.

One time, at my birthday party when I was like 9 or 10, We held a python, and it repeatedly tried to constrict me. It took 4 adults to get the monster off of me. lol

Many more stories, but not right now.


Next time I post I will have a mantis attack section!!! lol
Oh I have PLENTY of snakebite stories. My whole life has been like this quote: "That awkward moment when there is a snake latched onto your nose and no matter how hard you shake you can't get it off" lol.

One time I held a mouse and a few minutes later I held a python. Big mistake. A quite nasty bite

I got this completely insane cornsnake and one time, when I took him out of his cage, He bit me about twelve times on the hand.

One time, at my birthday party when I was like 9 or 10, We held a python, and it repeatedly tried to constrict me. It took 4 adults to get the monster off of me. lol

Many more stories, but not right now.


Next time I post I will have a mantis attack section!!! lol
I keep black racers so for me thats a daily event XD !!!

Oh I have PLENTY of snakebite stories. My whole life has been like this quote: "That awkward moment when there is a snake latched onto your nose and no matter how hard you shake you can't get it off" lol.

One time I held a mouse and a few minutes later I held a python. Big mistake. A quite nasty bite

I got this completely insane cornsnake and one time, when I took him out of his cage, He bit me about twelve times on the hand.

One time, at my birthday party when I was like 9 or 10, We held a python, and it repeatedly tried to constrict me. It took 4 adults to get the monster off of me. lol

Many more stories, but not right now.


Next time I post I will have a mantis attack section!!! lol
Hahahaha! That is very funny!
I did not get stung but I almost did. One time I went up a steep hill (that was so steep that sometimes I had to use my hands to climb it) to catch something for my mantids to eat. While I was up there I found a Statilia maculata and many grasshoppers. I heard something buzzing around. I looked up and saw a Asian Giant Hornet (they are dangerous to people). I did not think the hornet would bother me. Later I got up and started to go home. The hornet went close to me. The hornet seemed to want to sting my ear (the hornet was very loud). I jumped and ran like crazy down the hill. The hornet followed me for a few seconds. I am pretty sure the hornet was attacking me. Oh, and I was terrified.

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I have another story. Two of my friends were at our house. We played tag but they did not really play much. I was it and one guy would not run away from me. I found a big bee on the ground that was larger than my thumbnail. I grabbed it and showed it to him. He got scared and ran and said don't point that things butt at me. Then my other friend saw it and said something like are you not scared of it. I went after him and he got trapped. I was careless with the bee and the bee slipped a little bit out of my fingers and stung me. I threw it onto the ground and it stopped moving much. Later it started moving. And Brian the first friend who did not run away from me until I got the bee said I would be crying. The other friend said I am used to stings.

One time I unintentionally kicked a part of a fire ants nest on Ashly my sister. Ania her friend screamed. Ashly got stung on her feet a few times. She got them all off. I got stung too. They do not hurt much.

ooh! I cant believe I forgot this one! There was a swarm of bees at my old school. I was in the middle of the field, talking with my friends. Then we hear "Everyone! Everyone Get off the field and proceed into your classrooms" I was confuesed until I saw everyone running away and bees landing everywhere. I got stung twice on my leg and once on my arm. We went inside and looked at at our field through a wind and you could see the bees in groups and flying everywhere.

This kid in a different class got stung on his legs MANY times and his arms were spared though. He got stung on his neck. He didnt run in time lol

This other kid got a bee stuck in his hair. he said he could feel it crawling around

A few days ago I saw a nest full of bees or wasps. They were very small and gray. I was curious and wanted to see them closer. I dared to get right in front of the nest. Soon some of the bees were going around me quickly. I could not see them well because they kept moving fast. I was bothering them. I went back slowly and Ashley my younger sister laughed at me and said do not go close to those bees. There were a whole lot of bees out of the nest.

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Yuma is home to the Arizona bark scorpion, Centruroides exilicauda (I think that that is the current species name) which has the most virulent poison of any North American scorpion. The boss recorded how he, his wife and I caught some at night with UV lights in a sandy wash by U.S. 8 a few years back.

A friend of mine was stung by one a few years ago and discovered that she was allergic. At that time the old, free, ASU antivenin was no longer available and the Mexican version had not been approved, so she came very close to death from respiratory paralysis and needed PT for months before she could walk normally. There is a good side to the story, though. She is a nurse practitioner and was fired by the nasty company that employed her before the accident. She went into private practice and has been doing great ever since!

I do have an irritation on my thumb where the needle is. I was also was scratched be one on my arm and it is now swollen

I dont know but I might have an alergic reaction to it

I have another story. I was digging up a tree stump with a rock. I tried to pull it out of the ground and I got stung by something that looks like a big ant. It is the worst sting! It stung me on my pinky finger. My arm hurt! I had to go to a ba duk hog won. I cried. I played a few games as I normally do. It hurt for about two days.

I got bit by my cat a lot when I was little. oh and every day on the playground in elementary school I got stung by yellow jacks and wasps so naturally I have a major fear of them now that I'm trying to get over. And a got bit by a snapping turtle that one really SUCKED!! XD


When I was 5, My dad and I went into the water at the beach. Summer is Lion's Mane Jellyfish season, but we didn't know that YET. We wade into the water, and suddenly our legs were on fire. I got the brunt of it. My dad had to carry me out of the water. I was severely on my legs and my lower body. My upper body had a few stings, as well as my arms. We literally swam right into a swarm. I spent the rest of the week pouring vinegar on my legs and writhing in pain. It wasn't fun


Last year, I went to the beach with a few of my friends. We were catching crabs when I felt a horrible pain in my stomach. I thought it was just a cramp, because I just ate, but it didn't stop. I looked down to see a gigantic Lion's mane jellyfish on me. I scramble it off of me and pour vinegar (yes, again) all over the stings.


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