Supermoss carpet?


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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2011
Reaction score
Madison, WI USA
Has anyone ever used this? I usually use sphagnum, but those dang crix always find a way to hide in it. I got some of this green stuff at a craft store. I think it might even be dyed (lame). It makes for pretty carpeting though. What say you?



make sure it is not chock full of chemical poisons, but other wise it looks good.

Actually I will add to that which has been stated by people a lot more mantid oriented than I. I would, if I were you try soaking the carpet material in some drinking water (no chemicals) and sitting it outiside in the sunshine to dry for a day. This will leach out the solubles and oxidize perhaps some others and render it a lot safer than right off the shelf. Remember the feeders sometimes crawl around on the bottom as do mantids at times.


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I always worry about decorations made for anything other than terrariums. I shop through craft stores pretty often looking for useable materials and personally I would worry about this. It is definitely full of dye and who knows what other chemicals. I would not allow any pets to drink from it, which shouldn't be a problem if it's on the floor. But you will probably notice the color draining out of it over time anyway.

Those plastic grids you have glued to the walls are from the knitting section, right? I was looking at them yesterday. I went with burlap instead.

I just bought something from the Home Depot Garden Department called Mosser Lee Sheet Moss for only $3.59, and its awesome! It's green, not electric green, and I soak it in water first to rinse and to retain moisture. I unroll it over a layer of Spaghnum moss, and it looks great:

Then I buy this small pack of assorted decorative mosses at Michael's craft store and I soak those as well, and I add them in sparingly for contrast.

Those plastic grids you have glued to the walls are from the knitting section, right? I was looking at them yesterday. I went with burlap instead.
Yup, they're cross-stitching thingies or something.. They seem to work well

I just bought something from the Home Depot Garden Department called Mosser Lee Sheet Moss for only $3.59, and its awesome! It's green, not electric green, and I soak it in water first to rinse and to retain moisture. I unroll it over a layer of Spaghnum moss, and it looks great: http://www.mosserlee...nSheetMoss.aspx

Then I buy this small pack of assorted decorative mosses at Michael's craft store http://www.qualitygr...s_packages.html# and I soak those as well, and I add them in sparingly for contrast.

Here's a little snapshot of my moss carpet. (I know, sounds a little dirty).
Wow! Great finds! And the terrarium looks beautiful!

I resisted taking the bait and making an off-color comment about your moss carpet, but I'm sure I'll see a whole list below once the dog pack catches wind of it. :rolleyes:


That's a gorgeous terrarium LLCoolJew!

ME9: I'll take a harder stance than others, I wouldn't use that moss at all due to the dye. It does look nice but I'm with Precarious, I wouldn't let pets drink from it either and if pets shouldn't drink from it, it shouldn't even go into their habitat. The dye will get on their tarsus (legs) or apical claws and then ingested shortly thereafter (you know how mantids are about grooming themselves.) Granted, it's *probably* no big deal but why risk it?

@ LL: Wow, thats is one cool setup! She didn't get all that at home, close but no cigar... VERY NICE!

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I was reading the package again on the moss I used. Its all organic, so I cfeel really good about using it. It really does offer a nice finish to the terrarium. Spaghnum on its own gets so tricky because of the dismembered feeder incects and decapitated flies that get lost in there.

With my organic moss carpet (see? still sounds dirty!), I just roll it up, and throw it out! I keep the spaghnum in place (which is clean), and put on a fresh slab of green moss. For less than $4 for a bag that lasts for months, you can't go wrong!!

I use it at the bottom of all of my deli cups, too :)

This looks amazing, and if it is inexpensive, a throw away item, and it looks that good, why not. If something adverse happens with the Mantids using it, and there is no other reason, you can look a little closer at what some are saying now about the use of such carpet. For now, it is very nice looking. Congrats on the Idolo enclosure. It shows imagination, good thinking, and a degree of skill. have you thought of interior decorating as a side line?


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