The Amazing Survivor!


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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2011
Reaction score
La Canada, California
Some of you might know that in California there was a massive wind storm. It cut off my power and I got it back a week later. If there is no power there is no heat and with no heat It can get very very cold. I reached 28 F. My brothers fish died from the sudden cold. My fish started to get ill and my only female ghost started moving a lot less. Thats when i really got worried. It was really cold for 2 days. i thought my mantis was dead . I took the cage outside to dump it out when it crawled up my arm! it was amzing. She is doing fine. i thought she was going to die. it twas a christmas miracle!!

yeah it is amazing how resilient they are...i love my ghosts!!!

sorry bout the power outage, it has been COLD!!! here in Orange County as well

you made me a little happier that i live in a place where it averages 85 F every day, with a humidity between 70 to MAXIMUM :) Lol it is a sauna over here.

Aww that's great! I found one last year after two inches of snow had fallen. She was a Chinese clinging to life in the brush. I brought her inside where she lived 2.5 more months and deposited 5 ooths!

Where do you live that you are getting that cold. I live in the South Bay and it is only reaching as low as in the forties. My neighbor who is different said her house inside in the morning today was 52 degrees. My bug room got down to under 66. I thought that was bad. We had wind only one night last week and that was it. I am thankful I know that Pasadena and other places near there lost trees. A power outage is a hard thing when you are trying to raise critters of any sort. When it gets really hot it can also be bad for fish. Congrats on finding the Ghost that must feel good.


Aww that's great! I found one last year after two inches of snow had fallen. She was a Chinese clinging to life in the brush. I brought her inside where she lived 2.5 more months and deposited 5 ooths!
No fair the one we rescued October only laid 1 :p

Also my friend who had to euthanize a creobroter in the freezer said the mantis survived for over 8 minutes, and about a year ago I accidentally dropped a female miomantis in some snow and she was fine, went on to lay MANY ooths

I live close to temple city, really close. Yesterday it was 32 F at 7:30 in the morning. I was suprised i got that cold to. I did take my ghost to my cousins. Two to Three days later becuase he was out of town and was the only one who would volunteer to keep him for a while.Sorry. I forgot to add that in. They are very hardy creatures!

You will be surprised how long they can survive in close to freezing temps. I found last week an adult male carolina in my yard. It's hit the freezing point a few times here already, and it has even snowed here. I cant believe it was still alive! I know ghosts are not a temperate species, but they can last for some time just above freezing.

I always keep a case of heat packs in case of such an emergency.

After having to spend the nigh using my body heat to keep my reptiles alive,

I learned to keep supplies handy ;)

I reached 28 F.
I'd be more worried that your temperature reached 28F. LOL!


I was gonna say something, and by the time I got done, I forgot what it was! oh yeea, I picked 10 up in nov one year with that wet cold sleet on them, bringing them in, they lived till jan sometime! All depend on ? hey the above little bug is so cute, dragons, how did u do that?

Your story reminds me of when my lineola ooth hatched.

I had a nice ball of raffia in the large jar and waited until they reached L2

to start fishing them out.

Lots of them were pretty easy to transfer, but several were hidding in the raffia.

So I found a big glass baking dish and carefully pulled out the raffia in search of


Once I was happy that I had found them all, I tossed the raffia in the kitchen garbage


The next day while cooking dinner, I went to throw something away when I saw a mantis

slowly climbing up the wall behind the trash can.

I ran and got a nymph cup and rescued the little one. First thing I did was give it some water,

which it very eagerly drank. Then I dumped in some fruit flies and it munched them down in a


So I saved him, poor little guy!! I wonder how on earth he managed to get out of the trash can

esp. since I had dumped some week old beef stew on top of the raffia!!!

Good thing I saw him when I did! He is now healthy and doing well and doesnt seem to be the least

bit mad at me!! <_<
