The man and the praying mantis


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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2017
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The man was lonely, he didn’t have a lot of friends, all he wanted was someone to talk to, listen to him. Understand him.


His hair flattened against his skull in the rain, arms wrapped around himself as he shivered. He sat on the porch of his farmhouse, listening to the distant thunder. And watching the clash of lightly, as the wind blew through.


He felt exhausted, but he couldn’t sleep.


He felt heavy, yet light.


He wished for a friend, someone to understand him.


A feeling of being watched caught the man’s attention, he was a man as he was 26 years old. His gaze landed next to him, realizing he wasn’t alone. The form of an adult praying mantis stood by his side, its little eye’s gazing up at him. Body slightly shivering from the wind and rain.


The two pairs of eye’s met, there was a connection. To the man this wasn’t just a bug, to the bug this wasn’t just a man.


There was understanding in their eyes.


The man gently placed its hand down just as the Mantis reached up with its claws, the praying mantis held on as the man brought the gentle insect to his chest. The soft cloth making the Mantis snuggle into the warmth. Its antennas twitching. Wings flapping.


With his other hand the man stroked the bug’s back, making it if possible relax against him even more. The two settled down watching the beautiful lightning show together, both hearts beating as one. And as the storm ended, the man glanced down at the praying mantis.


“Would you like to be my companion?”. He asked.


Not his pet, nor his possession.


But his companion.


The praying mantis snuggled closer to the man’s soft shirt, wings flapping again. Standing up the man made sure to cradle his new friend closely.


Both of them feeling less lonely.


For they had a friend.


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Thats how i see it, i will be getting my first praying mantis. He wont be my pet he will be my compainion.


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