Things that annoy you


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When hubby tries to plan MY day! <_<

When my son, Jesse, continuously thinks he needs more stuff, all of the time...
from packs of gum to $70 shoes, and even higher priced game systems, games, clothes, toys, a new cell phone with the slide out texting thing, etc. etc. It goes on and on. Almost every day he wants something...
and I hear myself in my mother's voice :rolleyes: saying, "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

I repeatedly explain to him how much the house payment, car payment, loan on what the insurance didn't pay for appendix removal, electric, gas, cable, water/trash collection, insurance on house and cars, food, gas, etc. all costs.....
and the fact that I've been unemployed for over a year now (with the exception of a small handful of short jobs that only lasted a couple of weeks all together, and the fact that my new unemployment claim has recently taken a drastic cut to less than half of what it was before, and there's no work right now, and we're on our way to losing work affiliated health insurance, etc., etc.... and we just don't have the money for all the things he wants, let alone that he doesn't need all that ###### anyways.

And after the bills speech, and explaining we're having a tough enough time as it is just paying for the essentials, comes the "wants" versus "needs" speech. We needed new brake pads last week... we didn't need a new hat or another "cooler" jacket or pair of shoes. And a reminder that he is lucky enough to already have tons more than lots of other kids. This kid has a pervasive shoe fetish, and in the last year or so has incredibly turned into a connoisseur of style. I have no idea where he got it from... it definitely wasn't from me. I've never been "in style." :rolleyes: I buy all my clothes (except my essential Levis jeans) from Goodwill or garage sales. When I was growing up, I had one pair of shoes I wore daily until I outgrew them; and one pair of good shoes at a time. I don't understand why he thinks he needs MORE shoes, when he already has 6 or 7 pairs!
It's insane!

Then, when I run out of breath going through the whole spiel (with him intermittently arguing, complaining, and whining).... he solemnly says he understands and agrees with me. Then with his very next breath he says, "But can I still get 'such and such,' it's ONLY *insert expensive amount here*...
and I NEED it!
All the other kids have blah, blah, blah... Then the whining and complaining starts all over again, like he never heard or understood a word I said.
"Well, if I can't have 'that', can I at least get 'this?'" "Can we go to the Mall tonight? I just want to look. Well can we go to ######'s Sporting Goods then? Can we at least go to Walmart? Can I get on your computer and just show you the shoes I want?" :eek: :angry:

He's only 10, turning 11 in about a week. And I hear it only gets worse. :( I do my best to try to teach him the value of a dollar, responsible spending, and the necessity of using good judgment and saving money. I try to instill in him the necessity of having a good work ethic to earn money. Do all kids come with this warped sense of entitlement? It's not only very annoying going through these battles of "wanting," it's terribly frustrating. Can you tell? :p

Sorry for the long post! I guess I just had to get it out.
If you actually took the time to read it all, and understand (or commiserate if you have kids), then it was worth my time writing it. Thank you. ;) Not only did I let out some of the frustration I feel, but maybe someone actually listened... instead of it going in one ear and out the other with no real sense of comprehension. Kids!!!

Becky, have you tried beating him? Just kidding. :p Learning to accept "no" sometimes can be a valuable lession.

People that are addicted to smileys... ;)
I figure there are a lot worse addictions.

This is 20 times the average amount of poststen to 20 times the average amount of views
Does this annoy you?

Becky, have you tried beating him? Just kidding. :p Learning to accept "no" sometimes can be a valuable lession.
Believe me, it's crossed my mind, lol.

Yes, you're absolutely right. And I stick to my decisions fairly consistently, and don't often give in (but I do admit I've caved in on occasion). It just seems like it's a tough lesson for him to accept. I guess I had to vent. :p

I figure there are a lot worse addictions.Does this annoy you?

Believe me, it's crossed my mind, lol.

Yes, you're absolutely right. And I stick to my decisions fairly consistently, and don't often give in (but I do admit I've caved in on occasion). It just seems like it's a tough lesson for him to accept. I guess I had to vent. :p
Becky, It sounds to me your son is showing his feminist side... Does he have a girlfriend?

I figure there are a lot worse addictions.Does this annoy you?

Believe me, it's crossed my mind, lol.

Yes, you're absolutely right. And I stick to my decisions fairly consistently, and don't often give in (but I do admit I've caved in on occasion). It just seems like it's a tough lesson for him to accept. I guess I had to vent. :p
Becky, It sounds to me your son is showing his feminist side... Does he have a girlfriend?

Bush practically let 911 happen there were only two fighter gets available instead of 28 911 had a one out of a thouthand chance of happeningall the other attacks are domestic terrorists
You don't even want to go there. <_< It is obvious you really don't know what you're talking about. I think it is a subject best left off of this site. You've already made a couple ignorant remarks on the subject.

Becky, as a parent we want to give our kids all the stuff they want and make them happy, but we also know that's not always good for them or us. Sounds like you have it well under control. I'm way worse, I have a girl and although she's very tough, it's hard for me to give her the "tough love" I need to. There are very few girl children in my immediate family, and I don't know how to deal with little girls. Boys you can be ruff with.

When my son, Jesse, continuously thinks he needs more stuff, all of the time...
I remember that age, it gets worse. What helped me was when I worked odds and ends and felt like i earned what i wanted

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Are they doing one for the PS3?
Yes, i march they release the loong anticipated god of war 3 aznd they redone the first 2 games in HD/blueray format aswell :)


*Not suitable for children who are faint of heart.

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I'll stop talking about terrorism

I relly dislike the ignorance of polititions when considering bills such as HR 669 and the snakehead fish blanket ban.

Also suffering for other peoples mistakes, e.g, indian stick insect.

Oh by the way I dont belive that bush knocked down the twin towers, I was just complaining about the faluire to prevent the attacks, sorry if it was too obscure.

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You don't even want to go there. <_< It is obvious you really don't know what you're talking about. I think it is a subject best left off of this site. You've already made a couple ignorant remarks on the subject.
I agree completely
