Something that annoys me?
Today's youth. (I'm aware that I'm young.)
But seriously.
I live with two 13 year old girls, and they are RETARDED.
I was referring to the country of Wales, and they thought I was talking about the aquatic animal.
They don't know how to make Ramen noodles.
They don't know how to make Kid Cuisine, it's packages specifically FOR KIDS!
They don't know how to clean their own pets' enclosures, which means I usually do it, because I can't stand seeing an animal in discomfort.
They don't understand the value of a dollar.
They've never worked a day in their lives.
Their idea of "Doing the dishes" is running water over one dish, proclaiming "I don't know how to do it!" and quitting.
And today.
They've got friends over.
So Ryan and I left for most of the day, to be out of their way so they could have fun without us being there.
We left at like 1pm.
We came back at around 7pm.
Neither Ryan nor I had been on the computer at all.
It wasn't being used, so I let Ryan have his turn first.
Kirsten immediately comes in and says "Mom said you have to get off the computer, because I need on."
(First off, their mom wasn't even there.)
Ryan said no, he just got on, she can wait.
She then proceeds to throw a GIANT biitch fit, and because I said one thing (which was, incidentally, "Please stop fighting, I have a horrible headache") she turns on me.
After she goes back to her room, a few minutes later they crack the door open, one of the kids yells down the hallway,
"Zoe's ugly!", slams the door, and everyone in their room laughs.
I figure, "Oh, I'll let it go, they're trying to be cool in front of their friends. I get it, I did it at that age, too."
Wrong choice.
It happens OVER AND OVER.
A list of everything they said:
-Zoe's fat!
-Zoe smells bad!
-Zoe's a biitch!
-Zoe's gross!
-Zoe's a freak!
-Zoe should die!
After that last one I LOST IT.
And of course, as I'm stomping down the hall, yelling every obscenity I could think of at them, Ryan's mom just happens to get home. I admit, I could have handled the situation better, and I certainly should have.
But, oooh, I can honestly say, with no doubt in my mind, I HATE THEM.