tick tick ticks


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Maybe it was there already, and decided to go deeper. The one I pulled off of my neck, I never felt until the pulling. They are sneaky! Shake your clothes well. I would probably take a good 15 minutes to get my clothes on, if I found tics here. :lol:

I gotta see em hatch, I am careful!
On second thought it would be good to know how long it takes to incubate, and how small they will be.

I am thinkin two weeks, it has been about that since I put it in there, but not that long on laying, I put them inside another container for doulble safety, wonder if they swim, maybe put water in there too.
I'll have to take the devil out and stick it in some water and see what it does.

Ah, ticks.

I live in an area deprived of ticks. I could go for a hike in our nature-laden woods for hours; lay out in a field for days and not a single tick would be found on me.

Drive a few hours south of here... And there are ticks.

One day while looking for beetles with a friend of mine we found a promising field. We walked through it, found nothing, and went back to the car. When we were about to leave he asked "what's that?" and pointed at something on his seat.


We've never bolted out of that car faster in our lives! Everything had to be checked! Shoes, shirts, pants, you name it! Luckily we didn't find another one and the first little bugger... Well, I took care of him... lol

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Well, boil me hair and paint me blue! no time like now, to bring back an old summer topic! Course my lovely Abby is not here, but I think that is why the ticks are closing in on us! Hubby has had two climbing on him the last two weeks, one was on the inside of the house door and another one on the inside screen on the patio. I say there, I think the bloody things can smell us and are coming to get us, I feel like were in the movie the "killer shrews"

When I first read this topic, I wondered how I missed it. Then I noticed it was started a couple of years ago before I was a member.

When I was a kid, my mom used to tell us that the fireworks on the 4th of July scared away the woodticks. Typically we saw them in May and June where we lived. We have been camping with my family on the 4th of July the past few years, and my mom still jokes about that. Last week when I was collecting wild insects for my mantises, I had four on me. I had to email her to tell her that the fireworks didn't scare them away this year. Two days ago I had another one. Yesterday I found one that had bitten me. I have sensitive skin and can usually feel them crawling and catch them before they bite. However, it was 90 degrees and I was working outside off and on the entire day. I was sweating and must have thought that was sweat dripping. I showered before I went to bed and checked my head as I was washing my hair. This morning around 5 am, I felt something crawling on my knee and found another one. I don't know where it had been hanging out all that time. I must have missed it when I did my tick check.

Had a tick once that crawled under my shirt somehow and I picked it off my belly thinking it was a scab

I saw legs on it and dropped it

Problem was I was sitting on a toilet and it must've fallen into my pants cause 2 hours later I felt it exploring "the grand canyon" if u will and I had to reach into my underwear, stick a finger and a thumb up there, yank it out, then crush it

Then I found a dead bird

This whole story took place at school...

Four is nothin'. I usually go to North Dakota to photograph the feral horses at Theodore Roosevelt NP. A couple of years ago I was telling two of my photographer friends that I've never had a tick on me in North Dakota. Well, we walked back to the car and I found one on my pants. Five minutes later I removed 15 of them.

ok, now I got the hairs standing up on my back! at that point, I would be naked and letting everyone touch and grab! LOL

WE KNOW! we Girls! leave it to you to point that out!

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ok, now I got the hairs standing up on my back! at that point, I would be naked and letting everyone touch and grab! LOL
Bad image bad image!!!

There are sometimes male photographers photographing with me who offer to do tick checks.
Doesn't surprise me...

That's why cameras r so huge, so u can bludgeon the horny perverts before they get any ideas :tt2:
