To this day half a year having mantis's *deep stuff inside*


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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2017
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For those who know me I don't know if I ever told you any of this stuff, and for those who don't that may be just coming to this page and reading this. Please don't judge me, hi my name is Jessie. I am 28 years old. While I am a very fun loving,spontaneous and kind person. I also like many others have my own Demons I face. I have struggled with anxiety and depression since 6th grade. Its been a hard journey and its still not 100 % gone, but its never gonna be. Its part of who I am as a person, of who I am inside. And while I will always push myself to keep going, its something that will always stick with me. Now don't get me wrong its a lot better then it used to be, I  owe it all to my praying mantis's. And my other pets to of course, I was doing well for along time but this year has really hit me hard.

It started March 1st when my cat sadly passed away from a sudden heart attack, luckily it was short and painless. But it was one of the hardest things I ever had to deal with. At the time I had Bugsey my first praying mantis. I got him Feb 15th. Actually today is the 6th month mark that I have owned praying mantis's as pets. I have a few of them and they are my world, they saved me. Gave me my life back, in the picture above the left side, I used to wash my hands so much that they would bleed. I have OCD and it was something that lasted months to the point where people where worried I could get sick from infection from it. They were very very bad, as you can see in the picture. I would wash and wash and wash. Its not something I'm proud of, and I feel ashamed of it. I also kept turning on lights on and off, I had to keep doing it until I did it the right way. It got very annoying and drove my dad nuts lol. I could tell my family was worried tho. I was to, I was in a bad place.

And then Bugsey came along, it was a spur of the moment choice but my family and I were going through some stuff. It was just after my Birthday, I asked my dad can I get a Praying Mantis. My dad said what the heck sure. I didn't know those words would change my life forever. They have truly become a light in my life, to the point where I would protect them to my last breath. I know that may sound weird, but I never had a connection with any animal like I do these guys.

I owe them, they gave me my life back. They also helped when I found out my cat Prince had stage 4 Kidney failure. He's still alive but living on borrowed time.

It's been a long journey to get there, but I never would've made it without my Pets.

To the best 5 months of my life.

Thanks for listening guys.


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