Traveling with Mantids


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New member
Jun 26, 2011
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I travel a lot for work, usually by car rather than plane, for about a week at a time. Is it advisable for me to transport my mantid with me so I may provide daily care? What sort of travel tips do you all have?

Thanks for the help! I am new to this.

I keep my mantids in modifide storage containers so any time I want to take them out of the house all I have to do is grab a handle and go. I have taken my mantids on short car trips with no problems. (I always set the containers on the floor of my car so they sit flat, dont bounce, and wont slide off a seat if I have to make a hard turn or quick stop.) Mantids do fine on car trips as long as you dont leave them alone in your car. If you leave them alone in your car the sun can cause them to over heat. If your only going to be gone for a few days though they should be fine if you leave them at home. Just make sure they are well fed and watered before and after your trip.

I should also add that you might want to leave your mantis at home if they are getting ready to molt. If they happen to molt while your driving they could fall and be hurt. Hope this helps.

Ditto to all that kmsgameboy said :)

I'm also new to this but (from what I've experienced so far, at least) there are a few other things I personally keep in mind when bringing mantids out of the house for long periods.

Firstly it's best to keep a regular lighting cycle (for nymphs especially). One reason is that they generally time their moults to occur at night and unnatural deviations from the day/night cycle throughout their instar could confuse their internal clocks. Plus, one of the worst things that could happen is if a bright light suddenly comes on (and the car starts up and ppl are moving about etc) while a mantid is moulting, and the chap freaks out and leaves part of a limb behind in its hurry to extricate itself. Like what kmsgameboy said, it would be better to leave it at home if it's due to moult soon but sometimes that isn't possible.

Also, mantids are highly visual insects and it'd be a good idea not to to expose them to loads of movement or external stimulus (like at the car window or beside you while you're driving). They'd tend to get stressed.

Another thing is how you're going to be able to feed them. Unless you bring feeder insects along with you, you're probably going to have to stop at a bush / field once in awhile to see if you can catch any (if you're desperate enough you may find yourself raiding the fruit/vegetable section of any grocery store for flies...)

All in all, if you have someone to feed/clean up after/water your mantis at home while you're gone, it'd probably be a better idea than bringing it with you. But if you don't, leaving it alone for a week without food or water is really very risky.

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